Saturday, December 12, 2020

CBSE PORTAL : “(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Entrepreneurship” plus 3 more

CBSE PORTAL : “(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Entrepreneurship” plus 3 more

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Entrepreneurship

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:00 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Entrepreneurship


Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 70

Questions/ Expected Value Points 

1. Differentiate between capital budget and cash budget. 1
Ans. Capital budget is used to determine whether an organisation’s long term investment plans are worth pursuing, whereas cash budget determines when income will be sufficient to cover expenses and when the company will need to seek outside financing.

2. Gupta ltd., are the manufacturers of sports motorcycles. They want to manufacture low cost scooters using latest technology. For financing the project they have estimated a capital requirement of Rs. 50 lakhs. The company wants to finance the project by borrowing from a financial institution. Name any two financial institutions they can approach for the same. 1
Ans. Industrial Development Bank of India; Small Industries Development Bank of India; Industrial Finance Corporation of India; Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (Any two)

3.Naveen owns a 10 room building near Indira Gandhi International Airport. He wants to start a guest house there because he knows that many visitors require low cost accommodation near the airport. State two things that he has to ensure before opting or this opportunity. 1

  • To ensure that there is a good market for the service
  • The rate of return on the investment is attractive

4. Give the meaning of a ‘Joint Hindu Family Business’. 1
Ans. It is a business which is owned, managed and controlled by the male members of a Joint Hindu Family.

5. What is a trade mark? 1
Ans. It is a recognizable sign, design or expression which distinguished products or services of a particular trade from the similar products or services of other traders.

6. List any four advantages of Employees Stock Option Plan. 2
Ans. Higher Efficiency; Low labour turnover; Better industrial locations; Low flotation cost; Wider higher generation of funds (Any four)

7. Ritu has completed her in textile designing. She wants to start a ready made garments manufacturing unit. She wants to manufacture trendy garments for children below the age of one year. She approached a popular trend spotter to help her with the same. The trend spotter demanded Rs. 2,00,000 from Ritu to help her. Looking at the high fee demanded, she decided to do the trendspotting by herself. She decided to identify the trend by talking to the parents of the newly born.
Explain the method that Ritu adopted to spot the trend. 2
Ans. Talk Trends: talking to people is equally important trend spotting activity which helps the entrepreneur to get inputs on the needs of the customer. This can be done both online and offline.

8. The first step in the creative process is ‘Idea germination’. Explain the next step that follows. 2
Ans. Preparation: on the basis of the idea generated the entrepreneur starts looking for the

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Fashion Studies

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:00 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Fashion Studies

Sample Question Paper
Subject: Fashion Studies
Class: XII
Session 2017-18

Time: 3hours


General Instructions:
1. There are four sections in the question paper A, B, C and D. Section A contains 7 questions of 1 mark each. Section B is of 8 questions of 2 marks each. Section C is of 9 questions of 3 marks each and section D is of 4 questions of 5 marks each.

2. All questions are compulsory.

3. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all four questions of 5 marks weightage. Attempt only one of the choices in such questions.

Section-A [7x1=7]

Q1. What does the term ‘scarification’ refer to? 1
a. Body incision in delicate pattern
b. Permanent change in the body colour
c. Rubbing rice powder in a wound

Q2. Write a use of seam ripper as a pattern making tool. 1

Q3. Why balancing of skirt hem is important? 1

Q4. Give French term for ‘high class dressmaking’. 1

Q5. How is cargo pants characterized? 1

Q6. What is mercerized cotton? 1

Q7. How is the position of first buttonhole decided on a shirt placket? 1

Section-B [2x8=16]

Q8. Elaborate the following terms: 2
a. Indiennes
b. Kachcha

Q9. Costumes in movies have influenced many commercial designers and manufacturers to capitalize on the ‘style wave’. Identify and write the name of any two movies and the distinctive style of costume for which they are popular. 2

Q10. Answer the following questions: [1+1=2]
a) Name two visionaries who contributed in terms of textile and crafts revival during 1970s.
b) Ritu Kumar is a pioneer of fashion for research and application of two specific techniques. Name them.

Q11. How will you take following measurements on a dress form? [1+1=2]
a. Full sleeve length
b. Shoulder blade

Q12. Show a step to convert basic bodice block into sleeveless bodice, with a help of neat figure. 2

Q13. Outline the two ways practiced by Japan in order to capture the World market. 2

Q14. Write difference between shaped facing and bias facing. 2

Q15. Write a method which can take care of shrinkage and color bleeding in cotton fabric. 2
How right side of the following fabrics is identified?
a. Smooth fabrics
b. Textured fabrics

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : (Bhutia)

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:55 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : (Bhasha Maleyu)

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:54 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 :

(Bhasha Maleyu)


Soalan 1

(i) Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan yang berikutnya.(5 Markah)

Gambus merupakan alat muzik tradisional dari negara Timur Tengah yang kini sangat terkenal di Malaysia. Alunannya cukup mengasyikkan apabila mengiringi muzik tradisional yang lain seperti Zapin dan Ghazal serta mampu memukau sesiapa yang mendengarnya.Gambus atau dikenali sebagai Qanbus ini berasal dari Yemen yang mempunyai bentuk tirus,memanjang, serta lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan Oud. Oud turut dimainkan dalam
muzik Ghazal mahupun Zapin, mempunyai saiz lebih pendek, mempunyai struktur seakanakan buah pear serta mempunyai lubang padan badan yang besar seperti gitar.

Berbanding Oud, gambus menggunakan kulit binatang seperti kambing pada permukaannya. Bunyinya pula seakan-akan sama tetapi ciri kedua-dua alat muzik ini secara fizikalnya memang berbeza-beza. Keadaan ini menyebabkan alat muzik Oud sering dianggap gambus di sesetengah tempat. Selain Oud dan gambus, terdapat pelbagai lagi alat muzik bertali seperti ini digunakan di negara timur tengah seperti Buzok (Syria) Saz dan Cumbus (Turki), Lavta (Greece dan Turki), Setar (Iran), Barbat (Mesir) dan beberapa lagi alat muzik bertali yang dirujuk sebagai gambus.

Alat-alat muzik ini dipercayai telah dicipta, dimainkan sejak keturunan keempat Nabi Adam a.s. dan menjadi mitos popular yang diketahui secara meluas. Malah, jika kita perhatikan, terdapat ukiran figura orang sedang bermain gambus di dinding piramid semasa kerajaan Mesir kuno menjadi mercu tanda tamadun awal manusia. Mungkin alat muzik oud dan gambus tidaklah sama seperti sekarang tetapi sehingga kini ia menjadi salah satu identiti
muzik dan peradaban masyarakat Arab di rantau timur tengah. 

Jika amati semula tulisan ilmuwan Islam dalam konteks kesenian seperti Al-Kindi, tidak ada satu pun menyatakan perihal asal-usul kewujudan gambus. Asal-usul yang dianggap mitos popular cuma disampaikan melalui cerita lisan antara generasi sehinggalah rupa bentuk gambus dan oud itu kita boleh lihat seperti hari ini. Al-Kindi banyak menjelaskan tentang konteks bermain muzik menggunakan instrumen bertali yang dinamakan gambus. Beliau juga menyentuh tentang cara menulis nota muzik secara formal dan teknik menulis nota muzik ini kekal seperti hari ini.

Rahsia ini dibongkar oleh penulis, Chrysalis Forster yang mengarang buku Musical Mathematic. Chrysalis menyatakan etimologi muzik yang dikenali sebagai 'Musiqi' sebenarnya diperkenalkan oleh Al-Kindi dan bukannya daripada orang Greek. Menurut buku Warisan Seni dari Timur Tengah tulisan Raja Zulkarnain Raja Mohd Yusof, Oud (gambus) telah sampai ke Tanah Melayu sejak beberapa kurun yang lalu. Ia dipercayai telah dibawa
oleh pedagang Arab semasa berdagang di Tanah Melayu sejak kurun ke 9.

Walaupun penerimaan budaya bermain Oud (Gambus) di Malaysia tidaklah begitu hebat seperti Indonesia, tetapi budaya bermain gambus mula mendapat sambutan orang Malaysia selepas pengaruh dan asimilasi antara rumpun masyarakat di Nusantara berlaku sejak 100 tahun lalu. Pengetahuan tentang muzik oud dan gambus di Malaysia pula hanya terhad kepada dua genre muzik sahaja iaitu zapin dari Arab dan ghazal dari India.

Sejak seratus tahun dahulu, alat muzik ini diwariskan secara turun-temurun dan tidak ada pembelajaran formal mengenai instrumen ini. Gambus juga dilihat kurang mendapat perhatian seperti gitar kerana kurangnya pendedahan formal kepada masyarakat kerana gambus tidak dipersembahkan di peringkat majlis rasmi kerajaan. Irama dan instrumen gambus juga dibayangi oleh zapin dan ghazal, justeru ia hanya dianggap sebagai manifestasi  yang diwarisi oleh orang Melayu

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