Wednesday, October 3, 2018

CBSE PORTAL : CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 : All India Scheme Question Paper, English Language & Literature

CBSE PORTAL : CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 : All India Scheme Question Paper, English Language & Literature

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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 : All India Scheme Question Paper, English Language & Literature

Posted: 03 Oct 2018 04:31 AM PDT

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 : All India Scheme
Question Paper English Language & Literature

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 :  English Language & Literature (Set -1)

ENGLISH (Language and Literature)

Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70

ENGLISH (Communicative)

Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

(i) The Question paper is divided into three sections :

Section A — Reading 20 marks

Section B — Writing and Grammar 25 marks

Section C — Literature : Textbooks and

Long Reading Text 25 marks

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.

  • Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages.
  • Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
  • Please check that this question paper contains 11 questions.
  • Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
  • 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.

SECTION A – (Reading) 20 marks

1. Read the passage given below : 8
(1) Tourists to Jammu and Kashmir have another attraction – a floating post office on the Dal Lake in Srinagar, the first in the country. ‘Floating Post Office, Dal Lake’ – claimed to be the only one such post office in the world – is built on an intricately carved maroon houseboat, fastened on the western edge of the Dal Lake.
(2) This post office lets you avail of all the regular postal services available in the country while being afloat. The seal used on everything posted from Floating Post Office is unique – along with the date and address, it bears the design of a boatman rowing a shikara on the Dal Lake. The special feature of this post office is that letters posted from here carry a special design which has the picturesque scenery of Dal Lake and Srinagar city. These pictures reach wherever these letters are posted to and hence promote Kashmir as a tourist destination across the world.
(3) This is actually a heritage post office that has existed since British times. It was called Nehru Park Post Office before 2011. But then the chief postmaster John Samuel renamed it as ‘Floating Post Office’.
(4) The post office’s houseboat has two small rooms – one serves as the office and the other a small museum that traces the philatelic history of the state postal department. It has a shop that sells postage stamps and other products.
(5) But for the locals, Floating Post office is more than an object of fascination. Rs.1-2 crore is deposited per month in Floating Post Office by communities living in and around the Dal Lake. The lake has several islets that are home to more than 50,000 people.
(6) The greatest fear is the recurrence of 2014 like floods in which the houseboat had gone for a toss uncontrollably pushed by the flood. Rescue teams had to anchor it using special mechanism in a nearby highland. Then it was brought back on the Dal after the water receded. The biggest boon is that at no time of the year do you need a fan in this post-office !
1.1 Attempt any eight of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read : 1x8 = 8
(i) What is the location of the Floating Post Office in Srinagar ?
(ii) What is special about the seal used in the post office ?
(iii) How is the post office helpful in promoting tourism ?
(iv) Who renamed the post office as ‘Floating Post Office’ ?
(v) What are the two rooms of the post office used for ?
(vi) How is the post office beneficial to the locals ?
(vii) What is the greatest fear that the post office has ?
(viii) How is the post office a big boon to the people ?
(ix) Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘attraction’. (para 5)

Click Here to Download Set -1

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  English Language & Literature (Set -2)

Read the passage given below : 8

(1) It is an indisputable fact that the world has gone too far with the innovation of new technologies such as mobile phones, the internet and so on, due to which people are able to tour the cosmos virtually sitting at one place using their smart devices or other technological gadgets. Though mobile internet access is oftentimes hurried and short, it can still provide common internet features like alerts, weather data, emails, search engines, instant messages, and game and music downloading. 
(2) Due to the easy access of smart phones, communication has been very effective and instant. People are able to convey their message all around the globe to their loved ones without spending hefty sums of money. Adults are always fond of such gadgets and they always welcome and adopt such new technology readily. Further, young people have been able to broaden their minds and improve their skills by doing research on the Internet. For instance, they use smart phones to look up any new word they come across. As we know that most of the universities have online teaching provision and smart phones assist the students to complete their assignments on time.
(3) The mobile phone has been a lifesaver for a lot of people in case of an emergency. Likewise, use of smart phones can be of vital importance in preventing crimes in the society by providing information to the security forces in time. 
(4) Nonetheless, for the young the use of mobile phone can be like an addiction and they can misuse it. Young people are also prone to getting involved in undesirable activities on the Internet. This might have adverse effect on their academic performance. Therefore, young people should always be monitored and made aware of its bad outcomes.
(5) Also a major contributor to its popularity is the availability of prepaid or pay as you go services from a phone shop or an online store. This allows subscribers to load text or airtime credits to their handsets by the use of their credit cards, debit cards or by buying a prepaid card from the network they subscribe to. This plan also doesn’t commit a particular customer to a contract. If prepaid card is not that appealing to you, then you can opt to subscribe using the pay by month plan. 
1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : 2x4 = 8
(i) How are smart phones helpful in communication ?
(ii) What are the benefits of mobile phones for the young generation ?
(iii) How can mobile phones be considered ‘lifesavers’ ?
(iv) Mention any two demerits of mobile phones.
(v) How is a prepaid card useful to mobile phone users ? 

Click Here to Download Set -2

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  English Language & Literature (Set -3)

Read the passage given below : 12

(1) Tourists to Jammu and Kashmir have another attraction – a floating post office on the Dal Lake in Srinagar, the first in the country. ‘Floating Post Office, Dal Lake’ – claimed to be the only one such post office in the world – is built on an intricately carved maroon houseboat, fastened on the western edge of the Dal Lake.
(2) This post office lets you avail of all the regular postal services available in the country while being afloat. The seal used on everything posted from Floating Post Office is unique – along with the date and address, it bears the design of a boatman rowing a shikara on the Dal Lake. The special feature of this post office is that letters posted from here carry a special design which has the picturesque scenery of Dal Lake and Srinagar city. These pictures reach wherever these letters are posted to and hence promote Kashmir as a tourist destination across the world.
(3) This is actually a heritage post office that has existed since British times. It was called Nehru Park Post Office before 2011. But then the chief postmaster John Samuel renamed it as ‘Floating Post Office’.
(4) The post office’s houseboat has two small rooms – one serves as the office and the other a small museum that traces the philatelic history of the state postal department. It has a shop that sells postage stamps and other products.
(5) But for the locals, Floating Post office is more than an object of fascination. Rs.1-2 crore is deposited per month in Floating Post Office by communities living in and around the Dal Lake. The lake has several islets that are home to more than 50,000 people.
(6) The greatest fear is the recurrence of 2014 like floods in which the houseboat had gone for a toss uncontrollably pushed by the flood. Rescue teams had to anchor it using special mechanism in a nearby highland. Then it was brought back on the Dal after the water receded. The biggest boon is that at no time of the year do you need a fan in this post-office ! 
1.1 Attempt any eight of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read :  1x8 = 8
(i) What is the location of the Floating Post Office in Srinagar ?
(ii) What is special about the seal used in the post office ?
(iii) How is the post office helpful in promoting tourism ?
(iv) Who renamed the post office as ‘Floating Post Office’ ?
(v) What are the two rooms of the post office used for ?
(vi) How is the post office beneficial to the locals ?
(vii) What is the greatest fear that the post office has ?
(viii) How is the post office a big boon to the people ?
(ix) Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘attraction’. (para 5) 

Click Here to Download Set -3

Courtesy: CBSE

(Download) CBSE: Class XII Hindi Core Question Paper - 2018

Posted: 03 Oct 2018 04:28 AM PDT

Question Papers For Board Examinations 2018

Class – XII

Subject – Hindi (Core)

Subject :- हिन्दी (केन्द्रिक)

Class : XII

Year : 2018

खण्ड (क)

१. निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्रत्येक २०-३० शब्दों में लिखिए : १५
हिन्दी के बारे में या उसके विरोध के बारे में जब भी कोई हलचल होती है, तो राजनीति का मुखौटा ओढ़े रहने वाले भाषा व्यवसायी बेनकाब होने लगते हैं । उनकी बेचैनी समझ में नहीं आती ।संविधान में स्पष्ट प्रावधानों के बाद भी यह अविश्वास का माहौल बनता क्यों
है ? यहाँ हम केवल एक ही प्रावधान को याद करें ।संविधान के अनुच्छेद ३५१ में हिन्दी भाषा के विकास के लिए निर्देश देते हुए स्पष्ट कहा गया है : संघ का यह कर्तव्य होगा कि वह हिन्दी भाषा का प्रसार बढ़ाए, उसका विकास करे, जिससे वह भारत की सामाजिक संस्कृति के सभी तत्त्वों की अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम बन सके और उसकी प्रकृति में हस्तक्षेप किए बिना हिन्दुस्तानी और आठवीं अनुसूची में विनिर्दिष्ट भारत की अन्य भाषाओं में प्रयुक्त रूप, शैली और पदों को आत्मसात्‌ करते हुए और जहाँ आवश्यक या वांछनीय हो वहाँ उसके
शब्द-भंडार के लिए मुख्यत: संस्कृत से और गौणत: अन्य भाषाओं से शब्द ग्रहण करते हुए उसकी समृद्धि सुनिश्चित करे ।

यही सब देखकर हिन्दी के विषय में अक्सर यह लगने लगता है जैसे संविधान के संकल्पों का निष्कर्ष कहीं खो गया है और हम निर्माताओं के आशय से कहीं दूर भटक गए हैं । सहज ही मन में ये प्रश्न उठते हैं कि हमने क्या किया ? क्यों नहीं हमारे कार्यक्रम प्रभावी हुए ? क्यों और कैसे अंग्रे ज़ी भाषा की मानसिकता हम पर और हमारी युवा एवं किशोर पीढ़ी पर इतनी हावी हो चुकी है कि इसी मिट्टी से जन्मी हमारी अपनी भाषाओं की अस्मिता और भविष्य संकट में प्रतीत होता है । शिक्षा में, व्यापार और व्यवहार में, संसदीय, शासकीय एवं न्यायिक प्रक्रियाओं में हिन्दी और प्रादेशिक भाषाओं को वर्चस्व क्यों नहीं मिल पा रहा ?  

(क) भाषा व्यवसायी से क्या अभिप्राय है ? उनकी पोल कब खुलने लगती है ? २
(ख) संविधान में 'संघ' से आप क्या समझते हैं ? हिन्दी भाषा को लेकर संघ का क्या कर्तव्य बताया गया है ? २

(ग) हिन्दी भाषा के विकास की आवश्यकता क्यों है ? २
(घ) भारत की अन्य भाषाओं से लेखक का क्या तात्पर्य है ? यहाँ उनका उल्लेख क्यों हुआ है ? २
(ङ) 'अंग्रे ज़ी भाषा की मानसिकता से क्या तात्पर्य है ? उस उसका क्या परिणाम हो रहा है ? २

(च) यह कैसे कह सकते हैं कि हमारी अपनी भाषा का भविष्य संकट में है ? २
(छ) हिन्दी और प्रादेशिक भाषाओं के वर्चस्व से आप क्या समझते हैं ? यह कैसे संभव हो सकता है ? २
(ज) गद्यांश का उपयुक्त शीर्षक दीजिए । १

२. निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्रत्येक २०-३० शब्दों में लिखिए : १x५=५

सहता प्रहार कोई विवश, कदर्य जीव
जिसकी नसों में नहीं पौरुष की धार है
करुणा, क्षमा हैं वीर जाति के कलंक घोर
क्षमता क्षमा की शूरवीरों का शृंगार है ।

प्रतिशोध से हैं होती शौर्य की शिखाएँ दीप्त
प्रतिशोध-हीनता नरों में महापाप है,
छो ड़ प्रीति-वैर पीते मूक अपमान वे ही
जिनमें न शेष शूरता का वह्नि-ताप है
जेता के विभूषण सहिष्णुता-क्षमा हैं किंतु
हारी हुई  जाति की सहिष्णुता अभिशाप है ।

सेना साजहीन है परस्व हरने की वृत्ति
लोभ की लड़ाई क्षात्र धर्म के विरुद्ध है
चोट खा परंतु जब सिंह उठता है जाग

उठता कराल प्रतिशोध हो प्रबुद्ध है
पुण्य खिलता है चंद्रहास की विभा में तब
पौरुष की जागृति कहाती धर्मयुद्ध है । 

(क) क्षमा कब कलंक और कब शृंगार हो जाती है ?
(ख) प्रतिशोध किसे कहते हैं ? वह कब आवश्यक होता है ?
(ग) सहिष्णुता को विभूषण और अभिशाप दोनों क्यों माना गया ? 

(घ) कैसा युद्ध धर्म के विरुद्ध माना गया है ?
(ङ) भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए  'पौरुष की जागृति कहाती धर्मयुद्ध है ।'

(खण्ड ख)

३. निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक विषय पर लगभग १५० शब्दों में अनुच्छेद लिखिए : ५
(क) कम्प्यूटर : मेरे जीवन में
(ख) भारत की सामाजिक समस्याएँ
(ग) स्वाभिमान चाहिए, अभिमान नहीं
(घ) विकास के लिए शिक्षा

४. दूरदर्शन केन्द्र के निदेशक को नवीन साहित्यिक रचनाओं पर कार्यक्रम प्रसारित करने का आग्रह करते हुए लगभग १५० शब्दों में पत्र लिखिए । ५
५. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्रत्येक २०-३० शब्दों में लिखिए : १x५=५

(क) 'पेज थ्री पत्रकारिता' का आशय समझाइए ।
(ख) अंशकालिक पत्रकार किसे कहते हैं ?
(ग) विशेषीकृत पत्रकारिता को संक्षेप में समझाइए ।
(घ) 'बीट' से आप क्या समझते हैं ? 

(ङ) रेडियो की लोकप्रियता के क्या कारण हैं ?
६. ङ्कगाँव से मज़दूरों का पलायनङ्ख विषय पर लगभग १५० शब्दों में आलेख लिखिए । ५ अथवा

हाल ही में पढ़ी यात्रा-वृत्तांतों की किसी पुस्तक की संतुलित समीक्षा लगभग  १५० शब्दों में लिखिए ।
७. ङ्कमहानगरों में आवास की समस्याङ्ख विषय पर लगभग १५० शब्दों में फ़ीचर लिखिए । ५

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