CBSE PORTAL : CBSE 2017-18 Syllabus Class-12 : Multimedia and web technology |
- CBSE 2017-18 Syllabus Class-12 : Multimedia and web technology
- CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Heritage Crafts
- CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Creative Writing And Translation Studies
- CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Legal Studies
- CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Graphic Design
- CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, Social Science
- CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, Science
- CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, Mathematics
- CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, English Language & Literature
CBSE 2017-18 Syllabus Class-12 : Multimedia and web technology Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:28 PM PDT CBSE Class-12 Syllabus 2017-18
Subject: Multimedia and web technologyLearning Outcomes:
CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Heritage Crafts Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:10 AM PDT CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India SchemeQuestion Paper, Heritage CraftsCBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Heritage Crafts
धरोहर शिल्प HERITAGE CRAFTS निर्धारित समय : 3 घण्टे, अधिकतम अंक : 70 Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 70 खण्ड क SECTION A नोट : निम्नलिखित में से किन्हीं पाँच प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए, जो प्रत्येक ५ वाक्यों से अधिक न हो । १x ५=५ Note : Answer any five of the following questions in not more than 5 sentences each. १. एक ऐसे पारम्परिक शिल्प का उदाहरण दीजिए जिसने एक समकालीन कृत्य पाया है । Give an example of a traditional craft that has found a contemporary function. २. ऐसे चार शिल्पों के नाम बताइए जिनमें महिलाओं की अधिकतम भागीदारी है । Name four such crafts that have maximum participation by women. ३. २०वीं सदी के दौरान भारतीय हस्तशिल्पों के पुनरुद्धार में महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान देने वाले चार व्यक्तियों के नाम बताइए । Name four persons who have contributed significantly in the revival of Indian handicrafts during 20th century. ४. भारत में किस राज्य के समुदाय बेंत और बाँस के उत्पादों के साथ जु‹डे हुए हैं ? The communities of which State in India are linked with cane and bamboo products ? ५. ऐसे दो शिल्पों के नाम बताइए जो कि विशेष शिल्प समुदायों द्वारा किए जाते हैं । Name two crafts which are carried out by specialized craft communities. ६. ऐसे दो शिल्पों के नाम बताइए जो कि एक सामूहिक गतिविधि हैं और कार्य को पूर्ण करने के लिए विभिन्न शिल्पकारों की भागीदारी की μजरूरत प‹डती है । Name two crafts which are a group activity and need the involvement of different artisans for the completion of the task. Click Here to DownloadCourtesy: CBSE |
CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Creative Writing And Translation Studies Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:02 AM PDT CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India SchemeQuestion Paper, Creative Writing And Translation StudiesCBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Creative Writing And Translation Studies
संरचनात्मक लेखन एवं अनुवाद अध्ययन CREATIVE WRITING AND TRANSLATION STUDIES निर्धारित समय : 3 घण्टे, अधिकतम अंक : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 80 SECTION A (Reading Comprehension) 20 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 7 Seven thousand empty seats greeted the arrival of Cassius Clay. He was pitted in the boxing ring for the world heavyweight championship against Sonny Liston, at the Miami Convention Centre, on 25 Feb, 1964. The bout had been in doubt and there was a rumour that it had been called off; it was not a big contest and only 8000 had attended. It was also pouring with rain outside. Clay was 22, unbeaten but untested. Liston was dubbed ‘the big ugly bear’ by Clay and his people. It was rumoured to be a simple beating. Liston had lost just once in 36 bouts and in successive fights had won and defended the world title against Floyd Patterson; he had needed just four minutes in total, in both wins. Clay had not met any one of the leading contenders, from the list of Liston’s victims. His credentials were flimsy. In the previous two times before this meet with Liston, Clay had been dropped by Henry Cooper. On the other hand, in the Clay camp, Angelo Dundee, his beloved trainer, was convinced of the victory if Clay could avoid Liston’s left jab. Sugar Ray Robinson insisted that Clay’s speed was the factor and that he would knock out Liston. On the night of the fight there was clearly a sense of morbid fascination with the beating that Clay was expected to receive. The Beatles had been to Liston’s gym for a publicity photograph but he had them thrown out. They reluctantly made their way to Dundee’s gym to meet Clay. They were not impressed but there remains an iconic photograph of the brief meeting of Clay landing a punch, knocking out the Fab four Click Here to DownloadCourtesy: CBSE |
CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Legal Studies Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:54 AM PDT CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India SchemeQuestion Paper, Legal StudiesCBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Legal Studies
विधिक अध्ययन LEGAL STUDIES निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे, अधिकतम अंक : १०० Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 100 सामान्य निर्देश : (1) इस प्रश्न-पत्र में कुल ३० प्रश्न हैं । (2) सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर देना अनिवार्य हैं । (3) प्रश्न संख्या १ से ८ बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न हैं और प्रत्येक के लिए १ अंक निर्धारित है । (4) प्रश्न संख्या ९ से १४ लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं और प्रत्येक के लिए २ अंक निर्धारित हैं । इनमें से प्रत्येक का उत्तर ५० शब्दों से अधिक न हो । (5) प्रश्न संख्या १५ से २० लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं और प्रत्येक के लिए ४ अंक निर्धारित हैं । इनमें से प्रत्येक का उत्तर १०० शब्दों से अधिक न हो । (6) प्रश्न संख्या २१ से २४ दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं और प्रत्येक के लिए ५ अंक निर्धारित हैं । इनमें से प्रत्येक का उत्तर १५० शब्दों से अधिक न हो (7) प्रश्न संख्या २५ से ३० दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं और प्रत्येक के लिए ६ अंक निर्धारित हैं । इनमें से प्रत्येक का उत्तर २०० शब्दों से अधिक न हो । General Instructions : (i) There are 30 questions in all. (ii) All the questions are compulsory. (iii) Questions number 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each. (iv) Questions number 9 to 14 are short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 50 words. (v) Questions number 15 to 20 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 100 words. (vi) Questions number 21 to 24 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 150 words. (vii) Questions number 25 to 30 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 200 words. १. वर्ष १९५० में भारतीय संविधान ने एक प्रधान न्यायाधीश तथा ______________ न्यायाधीशों के उच्चतम न्यायालय पर विचार प्रस्तुत किया । १ (क) आठ (ख) सात (ग) बारह (घ) चौबीस In the year 1950, the Constitution of India envisaged a Supreme Court with one Chief Justice and ____________ judges. (a) eight (b) seven (c) twelve (d) twenty-four २. आद्विक ने अपने मित्र संदीप को rs ५०,००० में अपनी बाइक बेची जबकि उस बाइक का बाजार मूल्य rs ७५,००० है । १ उपर्युक्त अनुबंध (क) प्रवर्तनीय नहीं है क्योंकि आद्विक बाμजार मूल्य से कम मूल्य पर अपनी बाइक नहीं बेच सकता । (ख) प्रवर्तनीय है क्योंकि मूल्य का पर्याप्त होना नहीं, वास्तविक होना आवश्यक है । (ग) प्रवर्तनीय नहीं है क्योंकि मूल्य गैर-कानूनी है । (घ) प्रवर्तनीय है क्योंकि मूल्य पर्याप्त और तर्कसंगत है जबकि बाइक एकदम नई नहीं है । Aadwik sells his bike for a consideration of rs 50,000 to his friend Sandeep, whereas the market price of the said bike is rs 75,000. The above agreement is (a) not enforceable as Aadwik cannot sell his bike below the market price. (b) enforceable as the consideration need not be adequate, but should be real. (c) not enforceable as it is an unlawful consideration. (d) enforceable as the consideration is adequate and reasonable as the bike is not brand new. Click Here to DownloadCourtesy: CBSE |
CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Graphic Design Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:34 AM PDT CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India SchemeQuestion Paper, Graphic DesignCBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Graphic Design
आरेखीय निरूपण (ग्राफक डिजाइन) GRAPHIC DESIGN निर्धारित समय : 3 घण्टे, अधिकतम अंक : 70 Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 70 खण्ड क SECTION A नोट : किन्हीं पाँच प्रश्नों के उत्तर लगभग २० से २५ शब्दों (प्रत्येक) में दीजिए । १x५=५ Note : Answer any five questions in about 20 to 25 words each. १. अपने शब्दों में ग्राफक डिजाइन को परिभाषित कीजिए । Define Graphic Design in your own words. २. टाइपोग्राफी शब्द से आप क्या समझते हैं ? What do you understand by ‘Typography’ ? ३. कागज पर मुद्रण के लिए इस्तोल होने वाले रंगों के नाम बताइए । Name the colours used for printing on paper. ४. ‘पिक्सलङ्क को परिभाषित कीजिए । Define ‘pixels. ५. ‘ओ.ओ.एच. मीडिया का क्या अर्थ है ? What is the meaning of OOH media ? ६. इंटरऐक्शन डिजाइन क्या होता है ? What is Interaction Design ? Click Here to DownloadCourtesy: CBSE |
CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, Social Science Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:00 AM PDT CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF SchemeQuestion Paper, Social ScienceCBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Social Science (Set-1)
संकलित परीक्षा -II SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II सामाजिक विज्ञान SOCIAL SCIENCE निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे ,अधिकतम अंक : ९० Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 90 १. जर्मन राष्ट्र का रूपक किसे माना गया ? अथवा अप्रैल, १९७५ में किसने वियतनाम को एक किया ? १ Who became the allegory of the German nation ? OR Who unified Vietnam in April, 1975 ? २. शिराओं और जमावों में अन्तर स्पष्ट कीजिए । १ Differentiate between veins and lodes. ३. उत्तर प्रदेश के किसी एक क्षेत्रीय दल का नाम लिखिए । १ Name any one regional party of Uttar Pradesh. ४. नेपाल में २००६ में आंदोलन क्यों प्रारम्भ किया गया ? १ Why was the movement started in Nepal in 2006 ? ५. बोलिविया में जल युद्ध प्रारम्भ होने का मुख्य कारण स्पष्ट कीजिए । १ Explain the main reason for starting of water war in Bolivia. ६. सन् १९८६ में भारतीय सरकार द्वारा उपभोक्ताओं के पक्ष में किए गए मुख्य μकानूनी उपाय का उल्लेख कीजिए । १ Mention the main legal measure taken by the Indian Government in favour of consumers in 1986. ७. ‘सूचना पाने का अधिकारङ्क किस प्रकार उपभोक्ताओं के लिए उपयोगी है ? १ How is the ‘Right to Information’ useful to consumers ? Click Here to Download Set-1CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Social Science (Set-2)संकलित परीक्षा -II SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II सामाजिक विज्ञान SOCIAL SCIENCE निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे ,अधिकतम अंक : ९० Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 90 Click Here to Download Set-2CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Social Science (Set-3)
संकलित परीक्षा -II SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II सामाजिक विज्ञान Click Here to Download Set-3Courtesy: CBSE |
CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, Science Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:46 AM PDT CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF SchemeQuestion Paper, ScienceCBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Science (Set-1)
संकलित परीक्षा -II SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II विज्ञान SCIENCE निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे ,अधिकतम अंक : ९० Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 90 खण्ड अ SECTION A १. किसी ऐसे कार्बन यौगिक का नाम और सूत्र लिखिए जिसमें -OH प्रकार्यात्मक समूह है । १ Write the name and formula of a carbon compound having -OH functional group. २. संतृप्त हाइड्रोकार्बन किसे कहते हैं ? किसी एक संतृप्त हाइड्रोकार्बन का सूत्र लिखिए । १ What is a saturated hydrocarbon ? Write the formula of any one saturated hydrocarbon. ३. एकqलगी और उभयलगी पुष्पों का एक-एक उदाहरण दीजिए । १ Give an example each of unisexual and bisexual flowers. ४. कायिक प्रवर्धन किसे कहते हैं ? इस विधि द्वारा उगाए जाने वाले किन्हीं दो पौधों के नाम लिखिए । २ What is vegetative propagation ? Write the names of any two plants grown by this method. Click Here to Download Set-1CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Science (Set-2)संकलित परीक्षा -II SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II विज्ञान SCIENCE निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे ,अधिकतम अंक : ९० Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 90 खण्ड अ SECTION A Click Here to Download Set-2CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Science (Set-3)
Click Here to Download Set-3Courtesy: CBSE |
CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, Mathematics Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:28 AM PDT CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF SchemeQuestion Paper, MathematicsCBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Mathematics(Set-1)
संकलित परीक्षा -II SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II गणित MATHEMATICS निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे ,अधिकतम अंक : ९० Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 90 खण्ड अ SECTION A प्रश्न संख्या १ से ४ तक प्रत्येक प्रश्न १ अंक का है । Question numbers 1 to 4 carry 1 mark each. १. k के किन धनात्मक मानों के लिए द्विघात समीकरण 3x2 – kx + 3 = 0 के वास्तविक मूल नहीं हैं ? For what positive values of k, does the quadratic equation 3x2 – kx + 3 = 0 not have real roots ? २. प्राकृत संख्याओं १ से २० तक में से यादृच्छया एक संख्या चुनी गई । प्रायिकता ज्ञात कीजिए कि चुनी गई संख्या एक अभाज्य संख्या है । A number is selected at random from natural numbers 1 to 20. Find the probability that the selected number is a prime number. ३. एक मीनार के शिखर का इसके पाद से ५० मी. की दूरी पर भूमि पर स्थित qबदु से उन्नयन कोण ६०0 है । मीनार की ऊँचाई ज्ञात कीजिए । The angle of elevation of the top of a tower at a point on the ground, 50 m away from the foot of the tower, is 600. Find the height of the tower. Click Here to Download Set-1CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Mathematics (Set-2)संकलित परीक्षा -II SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II गणित MATHEMATICS निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे ,अधिकतम अंक : ९० Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 90 खण्ड अ SECTION A Click Here to Download Set-2CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Mathematics (Set-3)
Click Here to Download Set-3Courtesy: CBSE |
CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF Scheme Question Paper, English Language & Literature Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:12 AM PDT CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : NSQF SchemeQuestion Paper, English Language & LiteratureCBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : English Language & Literature (Set-1)
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II ENGLISH (Language and Literature) Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 70 General Instructions : (i) The Question paper is divided into three sections : Section A — Reading 20 marks Section B — Writing and Grammar 25 marks Section C — Literature : Textbook and Long Reading Text 25 marks (ii) All questions are compulsory. (iii) Marks are indicated against each question. SECTION A – (Reading) 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 1x8=8 A white elephant is a freak of nature in the same way as a white tiger and a white python are. Only white elephants are less of a rarity. In ancient India elephant breeders treated a white elephant with great attention. Valmiki mentions how there were, in the stables of Ravana, elephants which resembled white clouds in colour. In 1961, a white elephant was captured in the central lands near Baegethu Ot in South Vietnam. The Vietnamese believe that a white elephant is an incarnation of some celestial king. Click Here to Download Set-1CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : English Language & Literature (Set-2)
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II ENGLISH (Language and Literature) Click Here to Download Set-2CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : English Language & Literature (Set-3)
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II ENGLISH (Language and Literature) Time allowed : 3 hours, Maximum Marks : 70 General Instructions : (i) The Question paper is divided into three sections : Section A — Reading 20 marks Section B — Writing and Grammar 25 marks Section C — Literature : Textbook and Long Reading Text 25 marks (ii) All questions are compulsory. (iii) You may attempt any section at a time. SECTION A – (Reading) 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 1x8=8 A white elephant is a freak of nature in the same way as a white tiger and a white python are. Only white elephants are less of a rarity. In ancient India elephant breeders treated a white elephant with great attention. Valmiki mentions how there were, in the stables of Ravana, elephants which resembled white clouds in colour. In 1961, a white elephant was captured in the central lands near Baegethu Ot in South Vietnam. The Vietnamese believe that a white elephant is an incarnation of some celestial king. A white elephant captured in northern Siam had an interesting journey when he was taken to the royal stables. A wide path was first cleared in the jungle along which the elephant was taken to a river where a floating house waited to receive him. The house had a straw roof and was draped all round with red hangings. The journey was long and fatiguing. When the elephant wanted to rest, troupes of singers and dancers entertained him. When he landed, he stepped on to a carpet interlaced with gold. He was bathed in water scented with jasmine. Then he was given a huge quantity of rice flour cakes and sugarcane to eat. The king, the courtiers and the priests had gone all the way to receive him. On arrival at Bangkok, the elephant was taken into a well-decorated pandal, ceremoniously rubbed with oils and adorned with chains of gold. Then for nine days the populace made offerings to him and worshipped him before he was taken in a procession to the royal stables. Click Here to Download Set-3Courtesy: CBSE |
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