Saturday, October 5, 2019

CBSE PORTAL : “(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : (Mathematics-Basic)” plus 9 more

CBSE PORTAL : “(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : (Mathematics-Basic)” plus 9 more

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : (Mathematics-Basic)

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 03:29 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 :


Sample Question Paper 2019-20

TIME: 3 Hrs
M.M.: 80


General Instructions:

(a) All questions are compulsory
(b) The question paper consists of 40 questions divided into four sections A, B, C & D.
(c) Section A comprises of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Section B comprises of 6
questions of 2 marks each. Section C comprises of 8 questions of 3 marks each.
Section D comprises 6 questions of 4 marks each.
(d) There is no overall choice. However internal choices have been provided in two questions of 1 mark each, two questions of 2 marks each, three questions of 3 marks each and three questions of 4 marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions. (e) Use of calculators is not permitted. 


Q 1- 10 are multiple choice questions. Select the most appropriate answer from the given options.
1. HCF of 168 and 126 is

(a) 21 
(b) 42
(c) 14 
(d) 18

2. Empirical relationship between the three measures of central tendency is 
(a) 2 Mean = 3 Median – Mode Median – Mean
(b) 2 Mode = 3
(c) Mode = 2 Mean – 3 Median Mode + Mean
(d) 3 Median = 2


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : (Computer Application)

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 03:15 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 :

(Computer Application)

Sample Question Paper 2019-20
Computer Application-(165)

TIME: 2 Hrs
M.M.: 30


General Instructions:

 The paper contains 4 sections – Section A , Section B and Section C and Section D
 Section A and B has to be attempted by all students. 
 Students may attempt any one of the two - Section C (Scratch ) OR Section D (Python)

Section – A 

1 Expand SMTP. 
2 Consider the following HTML statement:
<body bgcolor =”Blue” alink =”red” vlink=”yellow”> In the above statement, what do you mean by ‘alink’ and ‘vlink’?
3 Rashmi has to send an email to Raees. She also wants to send the same e-mail to Vandana but does not want Raees to know about it. Which option out of ‘cc’ or ‘bcc’ should Rashmi use to enter the email address of Vandana?
4 Geetu is an artist. She posts her artwork on the internet. One day she comes to know that Shreyas has downloaded one of the paintings that she had posted without her permission. He had further printed that image on an invitation card. Has Shreyas done the right thing? Which right of Geetu has he infringed? 
Define plagiarism.
5 Give one difference between 3G and 4G. 1
6 Define the term Digital Divide. 1
7 Ritwik wants to use a software but does not want to pay for it. Which type of software can he use


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : (Home Science)

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 03:05 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 :

(Home Science)

Sample Question Paper 2019-20
Home Science–(064)

TIME: 3 Hrs
M.M.: 70


General Instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. There are total 33 questions.
3. Questions no. 1- 18, Section A are objective type questions and are of 1 mark each.
4. Questions no. 19 – 23, Section B, are of 2 marks each, to be answered in 10-20 words.
5. Questions no. 24 and 25, Section C, are of 3 marks each, to be answered in 20-30 words.
6. Questions no. 26 -29, Section D, are of 4 marks each, to be answered in 30-40 words.
7. Questions no. 30 -33; Section E are of 5 marks each, to be answered in 50-60 words.
8. Internal choices are given in sections B, C, D and E.
9. Support your answer with suitable examples wherever required.


Fill in the blanks:
1. _________ stage is known as pre- gang stage. 

2. Inability to see the perspective of others is called ____________. 

3. ____________ is an example of labor-saving device. 

4. Cold food stuffs should always be held at temperature below 4 Degrees C because:
a. To keep the food cool
b. To avoid the growth of microorganisms
c. To avoid cross contamination
d. To keep it away from insects

5. Fats and ___________ rich foods have high satiety value. 

6. Requirement of calories in boys in the age group of 16-17 years is ________.

7. ___________ is used to stiffen cotton and linen. 

8. Piping should always be cut on a true bias to have _____________ 

9. Expansion of RDA: _____________________________.
Expansion of ICMR: ___________________________


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : (Hindi-B)

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 02:49 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 :


Sample Question Paper 2019-20

TIME: 3 Hrs
M.M.: 80


Section A: 


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Geography

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 02:02 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Geography

Sample Question paper

Class-XII (2019-20)

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

i. There are 30 questions in all.
ii. All questions are compulsory.
iii. Question numbers 1 to 18 are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) carrying 1 mark each. Write only the correct answer in your answer sheets.
iv. Question numbers 19 to 22 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80-100 words.
v. Question numbers 23 to 28 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words.
vi. Question numbers 29 and 30 are related to identification or location and labeling of geographical features on maps, carrying 5 marks each.
vii. Outline map of India and World provided to you must be attached within your answer book.
viii. Use of template or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.


Q1 Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?
a. Sino – Tibetan
b. Indo – Aryan
c. Austric
d. Dravidian
Which one of the following periods had witnessed rapid growth of population.

a. Before 1921
b. 1921 - 1951
c. 1951 – 1981
d. After 1981

Q2 Which one of the following is the main reason for male migration in India?
a. Education
b. Business
c. Work and employment
d. Marriage

Q3 Identify the country with the highest sex ratio in the world
a. Latvia
b. United Arab Emirates
c. Japan
d. France
Which one of the following figures represents the working age group of the population?
a. 15 to 65 years
b. 15 to 64 years
c. 15 to 66 years
d. 15 to 59 years

Q4 Which one of the following group of cities have been arranged in the sequence of their ranks i.e., 1,2,3 and 4 in size ?
a. Greater Mumbai, Bangaluru, Kolkata, Chennai.
b. Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata.
c. Kolkata, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi.
d. Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai.
Palli and nagla belong to which one of the following rural settlementsa. Clustered
b. Semi-clustered
c. Hamleted
d. Dispersed or isolated.

Q5 Which one of the following is not  a Push factor?
a. Water Shortage
b. Medical/Educational facilities
c. Unemployment
d. Epidemics

Q6 Which one of the following best is the best description of Development?
a. An increase in size
b. A constant in size
c. A positive change in quality
d. A simple change in quality

Q7 Which one of the following is not a Plantation Crop?
a. Coffee
b. Sugarcane
c. Wheat
d. Rubber

Q8 Which one of the following types of cultivation was developed by European colonists?
a. Kolkhoz
b. Mixed Farming
c. Viticulture
d. Plantation

Q9 Which one of the following does not follow Monoculture?
a. Commercial Grain Farming
b. Plantation Agriculture
c. Mixed Farming
d. Dairy Farming

Q10 Which one of the following forms of settlement develops along either side of roads, rivers or canals?
a. Circular
b. Linear
c. Cross Shaped
d. Square

Q11 Which one of the following types of economic activities dominates in all rural settlements?
a. Primary
b. Tertiary
c. Secondary
d. Quaternary

Q12 The first urban settlement to reach a population of one million was:
a. Paris
b. New York
c. London
d. Canberra

Q13 Identify the land locked harbor from the followingsa. Vishakhapatnam
b. Mumbai
c. Ennor
d. Haldia

Q14 Which one of the following is the longest national highway of India?
a. NH-1
b. NH-7
c. NH-6
d. NH-8


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : French

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:51 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : French

Sample Question paper

Class-XII (2019-20)

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80


(Compréhension Écrite) 

1.a. Lisez bien ce texte  et répondez aux questions données ci-dessous : 

Chez les Legrand :

A quoi Mme Legrand va-t-elle occuper son après-midi? Lundi, elle a fait des confitures :
soixante pots, pleins de confitures d’oranges, sont alignés dans les armoires. Mardi, il a fallu faire la lessive (heureusement il y a la machine à laver) ! Hier, Mme Legrand a offert le thé à ses amies. Mais aujourd’hui, elle aura le temps de repasser le linge qui a été lavé avant-hier ; il est même possible qu’elle fasse un peu de couture. Ce soir, Jean ira sans doute au cinéma avec sa sœur. « Toujours au cinéma ! lui dit son père, n’as-tu pas de distractions plus sérieuses? » Les parents, fatigués de leur journée, s’installeront au salon et liront ou regarderont la télévision. 

i. Répondez : (3 ou choix) 
(a) Qu’est-ce que Mme Legrand a fait le mardi ?
(b) Où sont les confitures?
(c) Qu’est-ce que Mme Legrand a fait hier?
(d) Que feront les enfants?
(e) Que feront les parents comme distraction?

ii. Donnez les contraires : 
(a) pleins 
(b) heureusement

iii. Complétez avec un​​​​​​​ mot/des mots du texte : 
(a) Elle a travaillé toute la _______.
(b) Quel ______ fait-il aujourd’hui ?
(c) Elle a _______ oublié son sac au lycée.
(d) Ils sont ________: ils ont trop joué.

iv. Dites vrai ou faux : 
(a) Mme Legrand a lavé le linge aujourd’hui.
(b) Mme. Legrand a préparé des confitures de cerises.


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Entrepreneurship

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:35 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Entrepreneurship

Sample Question paper

Class-XII (2019-20)

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General instructions:

● The Question Paper is divided into 5 parts. There is no overall choice, though internal choice is given.
● Section A has 17 objective questions carrying 1 mark each.
● Section B has 7 questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer may be within 50 to 75 words.
● Section C has 5 questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers may be about 100 words.
● Section D has 3 questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers may be about 150 words.
● Section E has 2 questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers may be about 200 words.

Section A

Fill in the blank:
Q1. Prabhav is a budding  entrepreneur who is about to pitch in his idea to a group of investors. For presenting his business plan he has made a teaser of about three minutes to awaken the interest of the potential investors. Prabhav is using __________ format of presenting a business plan. 

Q2. The only reward the Initial Public Offer investors seek is ________________ of their investment. 

Q3. North west Airlines started their operations from India to various parts of the country in the year 2015. The company had been successful in it’s operations as more people preferred to travel by air due to change in the lifestyle and attitude towards work and leisure. It is _____________ factor as per PESTEL model.

Q4. In April, 1998 the ---------------- was constituted as the regulator of capital markets in India under a resolution of the Government of India. 

Q5. _______________________ is the first stage in the process of innovation. 

Q6. After assuming the future demand, every company needs to determine when to place an order for stock and how much to order. This can be calculated by using  the _______________formula.
Gross profit per unit is calculated by using the formula__________________ State whether the following statements are ‘true’ or ‘false’.

Q7. Environment scanning is required to convert an idea into an opportunity.
Innovation is an indication that will help the entrepreneur to understand the market and produce goods or provide services in sync with the market needs, demand and taste.

Q8. Start up finance is the capital required by an entrepreneur for conducting research at pre commercialization stage.

Q9. Proforma investment decisions relates to how the enterprise funds are required in different assets so that the enterprise is able to earn the highest possible returns on investment.

Q10. The Cash Conversion Cycle is the length of time between a firm’s purchase of inventory and the receipt of cash from accounts receivable.

Q11. B & H is a leading advertising firm. They recruit new graduates through college placements. During an interview, a student was asked to list the four rules for planning any advertising activity, he replied that the following is required: Aim, Target, Desire, Competitors.

Q12. During mergers and acquisitions the value of the combined entity is expected to be greater than the sum of the independent values of the merging firms. Multiple Choice Questions:

Q13. Exploring opportunities in the environment is a process involving various steps. Arrange the steps in correct order. 
(i) Evaluating the ideas received from different sources to find a creative solution
(ii) Identifying a product or service through innovation
(iii) Opportunity spotting by analysing the needs and problems that exist in the environment
(iv) Setting up a project and nurturing it to success
(a). i-ii-iii-iv
(b). iii-i-ii-iv
(c). ii-iii-iv-i
(d). i-iv-iii-ii

Q14. Which of the following is not a method of ‘Negotiation’?
(a). Each side works towards a solution and everyone wins something.
(b). One party gets what they want and other party has to give something up.
(c). This involves starting on small details and working upward until a settlement is reached.
(d). It entails all aspects of interaction that a company has with its customer, whether it is sales or service-related.

Q15. Priya joined a Publication Company that publishes a monthly magazine “Lifestlye”. It covers articles related to fitness, clothing, gadgets, cooking etc., Priya had joined the clothing division of the magazine. Her divisional head explained her nature of work of the division. She also informed Priya that in addition to visits to local mall she would have to attend ‘Power lunches’ on the first Monday of every month. Out of the following identify the way of spotting trend, the divisional head is talking about? 
(a). Talk trends
(b). Read trends
(c). Watch trends
(d). Think trends

Q16. Varun, a student of class  XII, observed that a large number of students of the school were using mobile phones. He also observed that many parents of such students were worried about the content being viewed by their children on mobile phones and were not able to control them. Being a talented and an intelligent student he decided to develop an app that may help the parents to watch and control children regarding the content being viewed. From the following identify the “idea field” used by Varun to develop the app 
(a). Creative efforts
(b). Trading related ideas
(c). Market driven idea
(d). Natural resources

Q17. ABC Ltd., decided to raise funds by issuing shares. The finance department felt that the company should offer the shares to existing shareholders on a pro-rata basis. Out of the following, identify the method of raising the funds being suggested by the finance department? 
(a). Public Issue
(b). Rights Issue
(c). Private Placement
(d). Offer to Employees


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Engineering Graphics

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:17 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Engineering Graphics

Sample Question paper
Engineering Graphics-(046)

Class-XII (2019-20)

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instruction: -

(i) Attempt all the questions.
(ii) Follow the SP: 46-2003 codes. (with first angle method)
(iii) Missing and mismatching dimension if any may be assumed suitably.
(iv) All dimensions are in millimeters.
(v) Use both side of the drawing sheet, if necessary.

Q.1 Answer the following Multiple Choice Questions. Print the correct choice on your drawing sheet.
(i) What is the angle in degree between the Main Scale and Isometric Scale in the construction of isometric Scale ?

 (a) 30o 
 (b) 45o
 (c) 15o
 (d) 90o

(ii) What will be the shape of a “Circle” in Isometric Projection?
(a) Ellipse
(b) Parabola
(c) Circle 
(d) Cycloid

(iii) Which machine part is called HEADLESS BOLT ?
(a) Nut 
(b) Stud
(c) Screw
(d) Rivet

(iv) Which part of the Solid C.I. Pulley is used to hold up the belt?
(a) Rim 
(b) Hub 
(c) Key 
(d) Shaft

(v) How much taper is provided in the width of a cotter?
(a) 1 : 3
(b) 1 : 10
(c) 1 : 100 
(d) 1 : 30


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Economics

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:04 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Economics

Sample Question paper

Class-XII (2019-20)

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General instructions:

i. All the questions in both the sections are compulsory. Marks for questions are indicated against each question.
ii. Question number 1 - 10 and 18 - 27 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one word or one sentence each.
iii. Question number 11 - 12 and 28 - 29 are short-answer questions caring 3 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 60-80 words each. 
iv. Question number 13 - 15 and 30 - 32 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 80-100 words each.
v. Question number 16 - 17 and 33 - 34 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 100-150 words each.
vi. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible.


(Macro Economics)

Q.No Question Marks

1 Value of Money Multiplier ………………(increases/decreases/remains unchanged) with an increase in Cash Reserve Ratio.  (Fill up the blank with correct alternative)

2 Define an intermediate good. 

3 Average Propensity to Consume can never be ………………………... (choose the correct alternative)
(a) positive 
(b) zero
(c) more than one
(d) less than one 

4 Name any two quantitative tools to control credit creation in an economy.
What are demand deposits? 

5 The monetary policy generally targets to ensure………….……  (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) price stability in the economy
(b) employment generation in the country.
(c) stable foreign relations.
(d) greater tax collections for the government.

6 In an economy, break-even point and equilibrium point may lie at the same level of income, if ex-ante investments are …………………
 (Fill up the blank with correct answer)

7 State whether the given statement is true or false:  ‘Managed Floating Exchange Rate is decided by market forces but remains within a specific range as decided by central bank’.

8 The formula to calculate Primary deficit is …………..…
 (Fill up the blank with correct answer)


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Dance (Manipuri)

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:51 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : Dance (Manipuri)

Sample Question paper
Dance (Manipuri)-(060)

Class-XII (2019-20)

Time allowed: 2 hours
Maximum Marks: 30

General Instructions

 Attempt all questions
 Each question carries equal marks and should be answered in maximum 150 words.
 Please write down the serial number of the questions before attempting it.

1. Why is Lai Haraoba considered the most ancient dance form of Manipur? What is the significance of this festival and who are the performers?
Name any two tribal dance forms of Manipur and explain what you. know about them.

2. Write three names of most prominent dance Gurus of Manipuri dance (Jagoi) and write about their contribution to the dance form.
Write names of two well known Manipuri Sankirtan Gurus. What is their contribution to Manipuri Sankirtan?

3. Who wrote the Abhinaya Darpan and why is this book important for students of dance to study this book.
What are Nritta, Natya and Nritya? Explain and give example from Manipuri dance.

4. Explain the different Abhinayas Angikabhinaya, Vachikabhiyaya, Aharyabhinaya and Satwikabhinaya and give examples from Manipuri Dance.
What are the Bhangi Parengs. Name them and explain their importance in Manipuri dance?

5. What is the importance of Ras Leela in Manipuri dance tradition? Name three Ras Leelas and explain the theme of one of them.
What kind of dances are performed in Manipuri Sankirtana? Explain in detail about one of them.

6. Describe in detail the costume worn by Krishna in Manipuri Ras Leela.
Describe in detail the traditional costume and makeup of the male Manipuri Sankirtan artistes.


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