Saturday, February 17, 2018

CBSE PORTAL : (Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Legal Studies

CBSE PORTAL : (Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Legal Studies

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Legal Studies

Posted: 16 Feb 2018 10:28 PM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Legal Studies



General Instructions:

(i) There are 30 questions in all.
(ii) All the questions are compulsory.
(iii) Questions number 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each.
(iv) Questions number 9 to 14 are short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 50 words.
(v) Questions number 15 to 20 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 100 words.
(vi) Questions number 21 to 24 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 150 words.
(vii) Questions number 25 to 30 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 200 words.

1. The judiciary has adopted the role of a social activist through-
a. Original Jurisdiction
b. Advisory Jurisdiction
c. Special Leave to Appeal
d. Public Interest Litigation

2. Amit sold his farmhouse to Puja which consisted of apple and plum orchards, meant primarily for selling the produce of the orchards. Identify which law will govern this transaction:
a. Sale of Goods Act
b. Transfer of Property Act
c. Indian contract Act
d. Consumer protection Act

3. Ashish hits Rohan with a stone from his rear. Rohan could not see the stone coming towards him. Does this act amount to tort?
a. Yes, because battery can take place even without assault
b. Yes, because assault can take place even without battery
c. No, battery cannot take place without assault
d. No, assault cannot take place without battery

4.Gopal is a neighbor of Pankaj. Gopal hangs wet clothes on his balcony and the dripping water spoils the clothes of Pankaj. This situation leads to a fight between the two. How can the dispute be best resolved between the two parties;
a. Ombudsman
b. Arbitration
c. Mediation
d. Conciliation

5.Ashok was convicted and awarded death penalty in a rarest of rare case by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the year 2010. The sentence has not execution. Which of the following options can be best applied in this
a. Ashok cannot be given any relief as it’s a rarest of rare case
b. Ashok has a right to appeal as the wait period is longer than 5 years
c. Ashok does not have a right to appeal as no appeal can be filed against the judgment of a Supreme Court
b. Ashok has a right to appeal on the ground of reformation.
6. Mr. Smith, a foreign national visited India and was arrested on the suspicion of smuggling gold. He did not have the means to engage a lawyer and was thus unable to present his case. Identify the fundamental right of Mr. Smith violated in the above situation:
a. Article 14 – Right to equality
b. Article 19 – Right to freedom
c. Article 21 – Right to life and personal liberty
d. Article 24 – Right against exploitation

7. Vishal, a lawyer appearing in the Supreme Court argues cases in court upon instructions from another advocate. He wears gown that has flaps on the shoulders and cannot file a vakalatnama. Which category of lawyers does
Vishal belong to?
a. Senior Advocate
b. Advocate on Record
c. Solicitor
d. Attorney General

8. Arrange sequentially, the evolution of legal services in India
1. Article 39A inserted via 42nd Amendment Act
2. Committee under Justice Krishna Iyer to develop legal aid scheme for states
3. Parliament enacted the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987
4. Committee on National Implementation of Legal Aid under Justice P N Bhagwati
a. 1,2,3,4
c. 4,1,2,3
d. 2,1.4,3

9. How do regulators assist in the functioning of Tribunals? State, giving examples.

10. Apart from early retirement age, give any two factors that deter any senior lawyer from accepting judgeship in India.

11. Rita is charged for stealing jewelry. During the trial, she negotiates with the prosecution whereby the prosecution agrees to press for lesser charges. Identify and explain this arrangement.

12. Saahi, a resident of Candia, fearing persecution on the grounds of nationality, seeks asylum from a neighboring country, and is unwilling to

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : (Bhasha Maleyu)

Posted: 16 Feb 2018 10:15 PM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 :

(Bhasha Maleyu)


Soalan 1

(i) Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan yang berikutnya.(5 Markah)

Gambus merupakan alat muzik tradisional dari negara Timur Tengah yang kini sangat terkenal di Malaysia. Alunannya cukup mengasyikkan apabila mengiringi muzik tradisional yang lain seperti Zapin dan Ghazal serta mampu memukau sesiapa yang mendengarnya.Gambus atau dikenali sebagai Qanbus ini berasal dari Yemen yang mempunyai bentuk tirus,memanjang, serta lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan Oud. Oud turut dimainkan dalam
muzik Ghazal mahupun Zapin, mempunyai saiz lebih pendek, mempunyai struktur seakanakan buah pear serta mempunyai lubang padan badan yang besar seperti gitar.

Berbanding Oud, gambus menggunakan kulit binatang seperti kambing pada permukaannya. Bunyinya pula seakan-akan sama tetapi ciri kedua-dua alat muzik ini secara fizikalnya memang berbeza-beza. Keadaan ini menyebabkan alat muzik Oud sering dianggap gambus di sesetengah tempat. Selain Oud dan gambus, terdapat pelbagai lagi alat muzik bertali seperti ini digunakan di negara timur tengah seperti Buzok (Syria) Saz dan Cumbus (Turki), Lavta (Greece dan Turki), Setar (Iran), Barbat (Mesir) dan beberapa lagi alat muzik bertali yang dirujuk sebagai gambus.

Alat-alat muzik ini dipercayai telah dicipta, dimainkan sejak keturunan keempat Nabi Adam a.s. dan menjadi mitos popular yang diketahui secara meluas. Malah, jika kita perhatikan, terdapat ukiran figura orang sedang bermain gambus di dinding piramid semasa kerajaan Mesir kuno menjadi mercu tanda tamadun awal manusia. Mungkin alat muzik oud dan gambus tidaklah sama seperti sekarang tetapi sehingga kini ia menjadi salah satu identiti
muzik dan peradaban masyarakat Arab di rantau timur tengah. 

Jika amati semula tulisan ilmuwan Islam dalam konteks kesenian seperti Al-Kindi, tidak ada satu pun menyatakan perihal asal-usul kewujudan gambus. Asal-usul yang dianggap mitos popular cuma disampaikan melalui cerita lisan antara generasi sehinggalah rupa bentuk gambus dan oud itu kita boleh lihat seperti hari ini. Al-Kindi banyak menjelaskan tentang konteks bermain muzik menggunakan instrumen bertali yang dinamakan gambus. Beliau juga menyentuh tentang cara menulis nota muzik secara formal dan teknik menulis nota muzik ini kekal seperti hari ini.

Rahsia ini dibongkar oleh penulis, Chrysalis Forster yang mengarang buku Musical Mathematic. Chrysalis menyatakan etimologi muzik yang dikenali sebagai 'Musiqi' sebenarnya diperkenalkan oleh Al-Kindi dan bukannya daripada orang Greek. Menurut buku Warisan Seni dari Timur Tengah tulisan Raja Zulkarnain Raja Mohd Yusof, Oud (gambus) telah sampai ke Tanah Melayu sejak beberapa kurun yang lalu. Ia dipercayai telah dibawa
oleh pedagang Arab semasa berdagang di Tanah Melayu sejak kurun ke 9.

Walaupun penerimaan budaya bermain Oud (Gambus) di Malaysia tidaklah begitu hebat seperti Indonesia, tetapi budaya bermain gambus mula mendapat sambutan orang Malaysia selepas pengaruh dan asimilasi antara rumpun masyarakat di Nusantara berlaku sejak 100 tahun lalu. Pengetahuan tentang muzik oud dan gambus di Malaysia pula hanya terhad kepada dua genre muzik sahaja iaitu zapin dari Arab dan ghazal dari India.

Sejak seratus tahun dahulu, alat muzik ini diwariskan secara turun-temurun dan tidak ada pembelajaran formal mengenai instrumen ini. Gambus juga dilihat kurang mendapat perhatian seperti gitar kerana kurangnya pendedahan formal kepada masyarakat kerana gambus tidak dipersembahkan di peringkat majlis rasmi kerajaan. Irama dan instrumen gambus juga dibayangi oleh zapin dan ghazal, justeru ia hanya dianggap sebagai manifestasi  yang diwarisi oleh orang Melayu

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