Wednesday, July 6, 2016

www.CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Sanskrit Core)

www.CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Sanskrit Core)

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Sanskrit Core)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 03:03 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Physics)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:59 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Physics) 

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 70


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Geography) 2014-15

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:53 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Geography) 2014-15

1. State any two features of KPO industry.

1. The KPO industry involves highly skilled workers.
2. It is information driven, knowledge outsourcing.
3. KPO enables companies to create additional business opportunities. (Any other relevant point) ½+½

2. What are the implications of using ground water in drought prone area of Rajasthan and Maharashtra?

1. The over-use of ground water resources has led to decline in ground water table in these states.
2. The over withdrawals in some states like Rajasthan and Maharashtra has led to increase in fluoride concentration in ground-water. (Any other relevant point.) ½+½

3. What is the 'open sky policy' adopted by the Indian government?

1. To help the Indian exporters make their export more competitive, the government had introduced an Open Sky Policy for cargo.
2. Under this policy, foreign airlines or association of exporters can bring any freighters to the country. (Any One point)

4. On the basis of configuration and purposes, satellite system in India can be grouped into two. Name them.

1. Indian National Satellite System (INSAT)
2. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite System (IRS).

5. Explain the function of a Garrison town with the help of an Indian example.

Cantonment towns e.g. Ambala, Jalandhar, Mhow, Babina, Udhampur.

6. 'Urban waste disposal is a serious problem in India. 'Suggest any two measures that we as citizens can take to solve this problem of urban waste.

1. As concerned citizens we should ensure that there are proper waste disposal bins by the municipality.
2. We can also segregate the wet and the dry waste.
3. Strict laws can be made and fines can be issued for not disposing waste in the required manner.
(Any other relevant point.)½+½
7. Study the map shown and answer the question :

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Political Science)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:46 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Political Science)

TIME: 3 hrs

MM: 100

1. No. NAM is not neutrality because neutrality means staying out of wars whereas NAM countries were involved in wars but at the same time promoted world peace. Neutrality does not aim at ending wars.

2. i. Sovereignty
ii. Territorial independence

3. Partition of India into two nation states i.e, India and Pakistan.

4. 1960's

5. Yes, it was a woman's movement because it was spearheaded by women and it focused on issues like dowry, domestic violence etc.

6. SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (1985).It is a major regional initiative by the South Asian counties to evolve cooperation through multilateral means.

7. i. Jeans culture
ii. Pepsi, McDonald's.

8. i. International organizations are helpful in finding peaceful solutions of a dispute between countries
ii. They are helpful in tackling issues like disease, global warming etc. for which everyone needs to work together.

9. i. Military conflict with neighbouring countries .
ii. Internal military conflicts for e.g . Separatist movements

10. i. coming together of all the opposition parties at one platform to defeat Indira Gandhi.
ii. excesses committed by the government during emergency, the non-democratic character of its rule.

11. As a part of its 'Global War On Terror', US launched 'Operation Enduring Freedom' in 2001 against all those suspected to be behind 9/11 attack, mainly Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

12. i. Open door policy and economic reforms.
ii. Four modernizations (agriculture, industry, science and technology, military) in 1973 by Zhou Enlai.
iii. Elimination of trade barriers in SEZs.
iv. Ended its political and economic isolation.

13. Environment concern is a very serious issue because of the following facts:
i. cultivable area throughout the world is decreasing and losing in fertility.
ii. water bodies due to pollution
iii. rapid decline in the total amount of ozone in the earth's stratosphere.
iv. global coastal pollution has increased due to land based activities.

14. i. areas of Muslim majority were not clearly delineated. As a compromise, Pakistan was to have two zones: west and east separated by a long expanse of Indian territory.
ii. opposition to the two-nation theory within Muslim areas e.g. opposition by Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan.
iii. bifurcation of certain areas like Punjab and Bengal difficult, very traumatic.
iv. problem of minorities on both sides; minorities had to leave at short notice, scenes of violence.

15. The defeat of Indian National Congress in the Lok Sabha Elections of 1977.The elections turned into a referendum on the experience of the emergency. The impact was severely felt in north India. This election was out and out contest between the supporters and opponents of emergency. The Janta Party embraced a landslide victory and congress lost in almost every constituency in northern states.

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Sanskrit Elective)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:38 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (German) 2014-15

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:31 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (German) 2014-15

Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

I. Fassen Sie den folgenden Text auf Deutsch kurz zusammen![10]

Der SchweizerNationalfeiertag

Dieser Absatz gibt den Lesern die Information über den Schweizer Nationalfeiertag, der am 1. August gefeiert wird. 1219 trafen sich die Vertreter der drei Urkantone namlich: Uri, Schwyz und Unterwalden und sie schworen sich Treue und Unterstützung im Kampf gegen ihre Feinde. Die Schweizerinnen und Schweizer feiern diesen Tag mit Umzüge, Musik, Essen und Getranke. Der Bundesprӓsident oder die Bundesprasidentin fahrt dazu auf die RütliWiese. Die Kerzen werden angezündet. Die Leute singen auch die Nationalhymne. Natürlichhaben die Schweizer am 1. August frei.

II. Lesen Sie den Text und beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen! [10]

Panic Attack- nur keine Panik!

A. BeantwortenSiedieseFragen-

1. Im Jugendhaus gibt es einen Proberaum und Instrumente, die man kostenlos benutzen darf.
2. Die vier Mӓdchen haben ihrer Band einen starken Namen gegeben, weil Mӓdchenbands nicht so viel Beachtung finden wie Jugendbands.
3. Eltern und Freunde unterstützen die Band.
4. Für die vier Mädchen steht fest, dass sieallen anderen Mӓdchen Mut machen möchten.
5. Dort lernen die Mӓdchen auch andere Junge Musikerinnen kennen und tauschen Erfahrungen aus. Es gibt Workshops, Seminare, Diskussionen und Auftritte.
6. Profimusikerinnen wollen sie nicht werden, weil es schwerist, als Frau nur von der Musik zu leben.

B. Die Gegenteile von

1) Freund – Feind
2) fleiβig- faul.

III. Lesen Sie den Text und beantworten Sie die Fragen! [15]

A. Antworten : [12]

1. Weil er jetzt eine neue Friseur hat.
2. Weil er eine neue Friseur versucht hat.


3. Er ist froh, weil er das mit der neuen Friseur ausprobiert habe.
4. Die Leute haben zu Felixs neuen Friseur ganz unterschiedlich reagiert.Manche haben gesagt, dass sie es mutig finden, obwohl ihnen der Haarschnitt nicht gefallt. Andere haben ihm gratuliert und von einigen hat er auch negative Kommentare gehort.
5. Seit ihre Mutter vor drei Monaten ein Baby bekommen hat
6. Weil sie jetzt ein Baby hat.

B. Bilden Sie die Sӓtze mit den folgenden Wӧrtern- (mogliche Losungen) [3]

a. Gefühl – immer wenn ich lüge, habe ich ein schlechtes Gefühl.
b. unternehmen – In der neuen Firma muss ich viel unternehmen.
c. Schwierig – Für mich ist Autofahren schwierig,

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