Tuesday, January 31, 2017

CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bahasa Melayu)

CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bahasa Melayu)

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bahasa Melayu)

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 03:12 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bahasa Melayu)

Bahasa Melayu

Markah : 90

Masa : 3 jam


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi empat bahagian, iaitu Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C, dan Bahagian D.

2. Bahagian A terdiri daripada Soalan 1 yang mengandungi empat bahagian, iaitu (i), (ii), (iii), dan (iv). Anda diwajibkan menjawab ke semua bahagian tersebut.

3. Bahagian B terdiri daripada Soalan 2 yang mengandungi tiga bahagian, iaitu (i), (ii), dan (iii). Anda diwajibkan menjawab ke semua bahagian tersebut.

4. Bahagian C terdiri daripada Soalan 3, Soalan 4, dan Soalan 5 yang mengandungi 25 soalan tatabahasa berbentuk objektif. Jawab semua soalan.

5. Bahagian D terdiri daripada Soalan 6 dan Soalan 7 yang mengandungi dua soalan KOMSAS berbentuk objektif dan Soalan 8 dan Soalan 9 mengandungi dua soalan KOMSAS berbentuk subjektif. Anda dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan.

6. Anda dinasihatkan supaya mengambil masa untuk menjawab soalan Bahagian A (50 minit), Bahagian B (40 minit), Bahagian C (40 minit), dan Bahagian D (30 minit).

7. Anda dikehendaki menulis jawapan dalam kertas jawapan yang telah disediakan.

8. Anda diberi masa 15 minit untuk membaca kertas soalan. Anda tidak dibenarkan menulis atau membuat sebarang catatan dalam tempoh tersebut.

9. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 16 muka surat sahaja.

Bahagian A

[20 Markah]


(i) Baca rencana di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Malaysia mempunyai 14 buah negeri. Sembilan buah negeri telah mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan beraja, manakala lima buah negeri lagi tidak mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan beraja. Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail merupakan Raja Melayu yang paling lama memerintah. Baginda dilahirkan pada 25 November 1920 dan merupakan Raja Perlis yang kelima. Pada 4 Disember 1945, baginda telah ditabalkan menjadi Raja Perlis dan sekali gus menjadi pemerintah negeri tersebut. Selama 55 tahun negeri Perlis berada di bawah pemerintahan beliau. Pada tahun 1955, baginda telah menyambut Jubli emas pemerintahannya dan dipercayai bahawa baginda merupakan raja yang paling lama memerintah sesebuah negeri di dunia.

Baginda mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Menengah Arau, Perlis dan telah melanjutkan pelajaran di Penang Free School, Pulau Pinang. Pada tahun 1940, baginda telah dilantik menjadi Majistret di Kangar dan pada tahun 1941 baginda telah ditukarkan ke Kuala Lumpur. Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua tamat, baginda telah ditabalkan sebagai Raja Perlis bagi menggantikan ayahandanya yang telah mangkat.

Baginda sangat mengambil berat akan pendidikan anak-anak negeri Perlis. Banyak sumbangan yang telah disalurkan oleh baginda dalam melihat kemajuan dalam bidang pendidikan. Oleh itu, baginda telah mengambil inisiatif dengan menubuhkan "Tabung Derma Pelajaran Negeri Perlis" sehingga tertubuhnya Sekolah Inggeris Derma. Sekolah ini merupakan sekolah Inggeris yang pertama di negeri Perlis.

Pada tahun 1960, baginda telah dipilih oleh Majlis Raja-raja Melayu sebagai Yang di-Pertua Agong Ketiga. Apabila Persekutuan Tanah Melayu berubah menjadi Persekutuan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963, baginda dan permaisurinya, Tuanku Budriah menjadi yang di-Pertua Agong serta Raja Permaisuri Agong Malaysia yang pertama.

1. Siapakah Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail?

A. Raja negeri Perlis.
B. Raja negeri Perak.
C. Raja negeri Sabah.
D. Raja negeri Sarawak.

2. Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail telah dilahirkan pada …

A. 16 September 1963.
B. 4 Disember 1945.
C. 25 November 1920.
D. 15 Julai 1940.

3. Di manakah Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail mendapat pendidikan awal?

A. Sekolah Inggeris Derma.
B. Sekolah rendah Arau, Perlis.
C. Penang Free School, Pulau Pinang.
D. Sekolah Menengah Arau, Perlis.

4. Perkataan mangkat bermaksud …

A. tidur
B. meninggal dunia
C. beradu
D. pergi

5. Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail pernah dilantik sebagai?

A. Jurucakap.
B. Majistret.
C. Doktor.
D. Penderma.

(ii) Baca laporan di bawah ini dengan teliti. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.


Pada 24 dan 25 Julai 2014 yang lalu, Kempen Gigi Sihat telah diadakan di Sekolah Kebangsaan Kepong. Kempen ini telah dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) dengan kerjasama Pusat Kesihatan Daerah Kuala Terengganu. Kempen ini diadakan adalah bertujuan untuk mendidik murid-murid pentingnya menjaga kesihatan gigi. Hal ini kerana, sejak akhir-akhir ini didapati murid-murid sering mengalami kesakitan dan kerosakan pada gigi akibat daripada penjagaan yang tidak betul. Oleh itu, kempen ini adalah untuk mendedahkan kepada murid-murid berkaitan langkah-langkah penjagaan awal yang perlu diketahui oleh murid-murid agar memiliki gigi yang sihat dan cantik.

Bersempena dengan kempen tersebut, terdapat pelbagai acara sampingan yang telah dijalankan. Antara aktiviti yang disediakan termasuklah pemeriksaan dan rawatan gigi secara percuma, ceramah berkaitan dengan kesihatan gigi, pertunjukan cara menggosok gigi yang betul, serta pameran kesihatan gigi. Pusat Kesihatan juga telah menyediakan ubat gigi dan berus gigi secara percuma kepada murid-murid. Ceramah kesihatan gigi telah
disampaikan oleh Doktor Munirah Abdullah, manakala pertunjukan cara menggosok gigi dengan betul telah disampaikan oleh jururawat-jururawat terlatih.

Kempen ini banyak memberi manfaat dan faedah kepada orang ramai terutamanya ibu bapa dan murid-murid berkaitan dengan penjagaan gigi yang betul. Oleh itu, pihak penganjur bercadang untuk mengadakan kempen seperti ini sebagai acara tahunan agar semua pihak mendapat faedah daripada kempen tersebut.Disediakan oleh: 27 Julai 2014


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bhutia)

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 03:09 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bhutia)

Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum MARKS: 90

The Question Paper will be divided in to four sections:

Section A: Reading comprehensive: 10 Marks

Section B: (i) Essay Writing: 08 Marks
(ii) Letter writing: 07 Marks
(iii) Translation: 05 Marks

Section C: Applied Grammar: 15 Marks

Section D: Literature : 45 marks

Scheme of Section and Weightage to content :


A family is a group of people related to each other. The parent and their children make a family. The mother is the female parents. The father is the male parent; the daughter is the female child. The son is the male child. The father, the mother and their children make a small family. It is also called small family. When the grant parents stay with the family, it is called a joint family.

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Mathematics)

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 02:03 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Mathematics)

Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper contains 29 questions.
(iii) Question 1- 4 in Section A are very short-answer type questions carrying 1 mark each.
(iv) Question 5-12 in Section B are short-answer type questions carrying 2 marks each.
(v) Question 13-23 in Section C are long-answer-I type questions carrying 4 marks each.
(vi) Question 24-29 in Section D are long-answer-II type questions carrying 6 marks each.


Questions from 1 to 4 are of 1 mark each.


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Multimedia and Web Technology)

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:58 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Multimedia and Web Technology)

Max. Marks: 70

Duration : 3 hrs.

1. a) Write the names of any two RDBMS. 1

b) Name the type of relationship which is created between two tables, if one table has only one matching record in other table.

c) AVI file format is for _________ files. 1

d) Study the following data and answer the questions given below:

(i) What type of relationship exists between table Doctors and the table Patients?
(ii) Name the fields, which can act as the primary key and foreign key for the table Doctors and the table Patients respectively.

e) Aman has created a symbol in Flash which can be clicked, write the type of symbol that he has created.

f) Rahul has created a movie in Flash. When he is running his movie, it is going very fast. What should he do to slow down his movie?

g) Mr. Raja Maheshwari is planning to gift a digital album to his daughter on her birthday. All the images have lots of colour shading and are all static images. Which of the following formats are best suited for this purpose:

(i) GIF
(ii) JPEG
(iii) AVI

Justify your choice

2. Answer the following questions based on Macromedia Flash:

a) What is a keyframe?

b) Write the difference between a guide layer and a mask layer.

c) Differentiate between a Symbol and an Instance.

d) What is the difference between hiding a layer and locking a layer?

e) Consider the figure given below and do as directed:

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Assamese)

CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Assamese)

Link to CBSE PORTAL : CBSE, ICSE, NIOS, JEE-MAIN, AIPMT Students Community

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Assamese)

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 02:43 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bengali)

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 02:31 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Library & Information Science)

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 02:03 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Library & Information Science)

Duration: 3 hours

M.M: 80

General Instructions :

  • There are 28 general questions.

  • Question nos. 1-11 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words.

  • Question nos. 12-22 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to these questions should be between 80-100 words.

  • Question nos. 23-28 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 200 words.

  • All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice has been provided in two questions of six marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.

Q.1. What is Performance Appraisal?

Q.2. State the purpose of stock verification.

Q.3. What is the objective of stack maintenance?

Q.4. What do you understand by Energy Facet?

Q.5. Why are some class numbers of DDC kept in square bracket?

Q.6. What is the purpose of 'Due Date Slip'?

Q.7. What do you understand by "Value Added Information Services"?

Q.8. What is the objective of Inter Library Loan?

Q.9. Which software is needed to read an e-book in pdf form?

Q.10. What do you mean by Electronic Books (e-books)?

Q.11. Why do we need Unicode Compatible Library Automation Software?

Q.12. What is meant by user education? List four objectives of user education.

Q.13. What do you understand by Library Consortia?

Q.14. Briefly describe the 'personality', the fundamental category of colon classification.

Q.15. Write the schematic illustration of 2nd level of description described in AACR-2.

Q.16. Why is technical processing of a book essential?

Q.17. What is Current Awareness Service? Briefly describes its categories?

Q.18. Describe the process of providing Selective Dissemination of Information Service (SDI).

Q.19. How is ICT application in Libraries beneficial?

Q.20. Write three advantages of Library Automation.

Q.21. Write three merits and three demerits of Open Source Software.

Q.22. Explain the Boolean operators and their impact while connecting two keywords 'India' and 'Sri Lanka'.

Q.23. Describe different methods of stock verification.


Describe various preventive measures adopted by libraries for preservation of documents against environmental factors. (any six)

Q.24. Briefly describe different functions of Circulation Section.


Briefly describe different functions of Periodical Section?

Q.25. Explain the role of tables in the DDC.

Q.26. Enumerate and explain different data formats of MARC-21.

Q.27. What kind of skills and competencies should a Library and Information professional possess?

Q.28. How does the Administrator manage SOUL Library Automation Software using its Administration module?

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Mass Media Studies)

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 01:59 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Mass Media Studies)

Maximum Marks: 80

Time Allowed : 3 Hours

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.
(iii) Answers should be brief and to the point.
(iv) PART- A has 8 Very Short Answer type carrying one mark each. Answer to each question should not exceed 20 words.
(v) Questions 9 to13 in PART- B are Short Answer Type I questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should be about 40-50 words.
(vi) Questions 14 to 19 in PART- C are Short Answer Type II questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each question should be about 60-80 words.
(vii) Questions 20 to 22 in PART- D are Long Answer Type questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should be about 100-150 words.
(viii) Questions 23 and 25 in PART- E are Essay Answer Type questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should be about 150-200 words.


1. What are the two distinct stages of message transmission in the two step flow theory?

2. W hat are folktales?

3. According to Majid Tehranian what are the three megatrends that characterize the 21st century?

4. State any two differences between the works of Lumiere Brothers and Georges Melies.

5. What is understood by genres in films?

6. What is Mis en scene?

7. What is multimedia?

8. What is 'Comparative Advertising'?


9. Briefly explain the two broad categories of a newspaper format giving suitable examples.

10. Are online versions of newspapers a profitable enterprise in India? Why do you think so?

11. What are the uses of multimedia?

12. Write a brief note on Vividh Bharati Services.

13. What were the technological factors that facilitated the growth and development of press.


14. What do you understand by the terms: Yellow Journalism, Chequebook Journalism, Sting Journalism and Page 3 Journalism?

15. Explain the difference between analogue and digital signals.

16. Imagine you are a newspaper journalist. You have to interview the Police Commissioner of your state about "Safety of Women". Frame five chronological questions to ask him/her.

17. According to Jerome Bruner what are the important characteristics of a narrative.

18. Describe some of the recent forms of advertising.

19. What is quota sampling? Do you agree that the quota sampling is more reflective of the entire group? Cite reasons in favour of your view.


20. Critically analyse the audience theories of mass media.

21. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertising in different forms of media.

22. Discuss any five points involved in the process of adaptation of cinema.


23. Why cinema is called the mother of all arts? Elucidate with examples.

24. "The portrayal of women in the Indian media oscillates in heaps of different shades". Explain.

25. Describe the various computer hardware that are required to create multimedia projects.


Write briefly on any four softwares that can be used in developing a multimedia project.


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