Friday, July 1, 2022

CBSE PORTAL : “Free Online Course : Overview of Space Science and Technology by ISRO” plus 0 more

CBSE PORTAL : “Free Online Course : Overview of Space Science and Technology by ISRO” plus 0 more

Free Online Course : Overview of Space Science and Technology by ISRO

Posted: 29 Jun 2022 03:19 AM PDT


Free Online Course : Overview of Space Science and Technology by ISRO

Space Science and technology are exciting areas for scientists and researchers which has greatly impacted the societal and economical development of any country. In the recent years, it has also attracted the attentions of students and young generations to build their career in this advancing domain of science and technology. India being one of the leading space faring nation in the world, have its vibrant space program which has matured as a symbol of the country’s sophisticated technological capabilities and its growing regional and global prestige. 

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully accomplished many space missions which includes 114 spacecraft missions, 83 launch vehicles missions, 13 students satellites, 2 re-entry missions and launched 342 foreign satellites from 34 countries.

The data and information generated using these space missions are very important for many developmental activities including better planning and decision making in the areas of earth observations, satellite communications, navigations, weather forecasting, tele-medicine, environmental and climate studies, agriculture, food and water security, disaster management etc. 

Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO Dehradun announces a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on “Overview of Space Science and Technology” for School students. The objective of this online course is to provide knowledge and awareness to school students on various aspects of Space Science and technology. During this course, the technical sessions will be delivered by eminent space scientists of India. It will be an unique opportunity for young generation to understand this exciting domain of space technology. 

. No. Lecture Title
1 Space Technology & Indian Space Programme
2 Spacecraft Systems
3 Satellite Communication & Navigation technology
4 Astronomy and Space Science
5 Satellite Meteorology and its applications
6 Planetary Geoscience
7 Satellite based Earth observations & Remote Sensing Technology
8 Remote Sensing Applications in Governance
7 Close Range Photogrammetry for Urban Heritage Studies
8 Online learning resources and career opportunity in Geospatial technologies
1 Reading Satellite Imageries for information Extraction
2 Geodata access from online data repositories and problem solving using GIS

The course is free and open to all the students of age 10 years and above from India and abroad. 

Procedure to Participate in the Course

  • Please register for the course through URL-
  • On successful registration in above website and activation of your account,you will receive your login credentials for E-CLASS Learning Management System (LMS) through email.
  • Daily technical session will be available on IIRS E-CLASS LMS. Please login to : to get access of your course.
  • During this course, total 10 hours online video sessions will be conducted.

Please watch the video sessions as per your convenience. You can watch it in multiple times. Based on video watch logs, your attendance for that session will be marked by the system.

  • You can also download the PDF version of study material for your future references from E-CLASS LMS.
  • Once you have completed the video session, then please participate in the

Quiz assessment available in the E-CLASS LMS.

  • All the technical sessions and learning resources will be available till July 05,2022 under your account in the E-CLASS LMS.
  • Discussion forum is also available in E-CLASS LMS for collaborative learning.

You can post your questions and doubts in the discussion forum.

  • You need to submit curse feedback before proceeding to generate your course certificate through E-CLASS LMS.
  • You can also recover your login credential anytime during the course by visiting following URL-

Award of Certificate

The Course Participation Certificate will be awarded from IIRS ISRO based on your attendance in technical sessions and your score in online quiz assessment. Minimum 60% Score in Quiz and 70% attendance in video sessions  will be required to get course participation certificate

  • Course Duration- June 06 to July 05, 2022
  • Registration Link-
  • LMS Link-
  • Course Language- English

Click here To Register Online

Click here To Download official Notification 

Courtesy : ISRO

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