Tuesday, December 1, 2020

CBSE PORTAL : “(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Hindi B” plus 4 more

CBSE PORTAL : “(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Hindi B” plus 4 more

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Hindi B

Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:49 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Foundation of Information Technology

Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:49 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 :

Foundation of Information Technology

1.    Multiple Choice Questions    5

a. Which one of the following is an e-Shopping website:

(i)     Flipkart

(ii)    Amazon

(iii)   Snapdeal
(iv)   All of above  

b. Background is an attribute of:

i)    <BODY> tag

ii)   <FONT> tag

iii)  <IMG> tag

iv)  <A> tag 

c. A link used to navigate or open other web pages on a website on internet is called:

i)    Higherlink

ii)   Hyperlink

iii)  Heterolink
iv)  None of above    

d. A total of how many headings are there in html:

i)    4

ii)   6

iii)  7

iv)  8    

e. Which one of the following is not an attribute of <A> tag:

i)     NAME

ii)    HREF

iii)   Source
iv)   Both (i) & (ii)    

2.    What is Blog?    1
3.    Discuss the purpose of HTTP briefly.    1
4.    Tamanna needs to store and transport the data. She should use HTML or XML?    1
5.    Name the protocol which is used for uploading & downloading data from remote site.    1
6.    What is the full form of URL?    1
7.    What is the purpose of a web browser? Give the name of any two popular web browsers.    2
8.    Explain the term Digital Divide.    2
9.    Define cell padding and cell spacing with respect to tables in HTML.


Define container & empty tags in HTML.    2
10.    What is a primary key in a table?


What is the need of a database? Discuss briefly.    2
11.    Differentiate between <OL> and <UL> tag with suitable example.    3
12.    What is the purpose of <IMG> tag? Mention it’s any two attributes along with their purpose.    3

13.    What is e-Learning? Mention any two main benefits of e –learning with respect to the use of Information Technology.    3
14.    Differentiate between Crackers & Hackers.


Ishan, a trainee in a multinational bank has just got his first official computer with internet facility in his office. Explain him about Malware, its types and any two precautionary measure he should be taken for information security.3

15.    Write the HTML code to generate the following web page with the given below specifications:

(a) Bordered table should have background color in pink.

(b) Table’s header row with a heading “INCOME TAX SLABS 2017-18” should spread  over four cells.

(c) After heading row, first cell of next row should spread over five rows with an image named “it.jpg” stored in d: drive.

(d) Set the space between the cell wall and the cell content to 10 pixels and set the space between the cells to 10 pixels.
(e) At the bottom of the page, a link to next page is there which is linked to another webpage named “next.html”.    5

16.    Attempt any one question out of the given two:

A.  Sahiba, a website designer with “International Designers Pvt. Ltd.” has written the following code. Observe the code given below and answer the following questions:

<employee eid=1>
<dept deptid=“d1”>Computer</dept>
<employee eid=2>
<dept deptid=“d2”>Accounts</dept>
i. Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code?
ii. Identify the root element.
iii. Mention any two child elements. iv. Mention any two attributes.
v. An xml document can have more than one root element. Is it true or false?


B.  Vani, a class X student has recently completed her HTML course and just started learning XML. Help her in the following:
i. Mention her any one main difference between HMTL and XML.
ii. She has been told that “All major browsers have a built-in XML parser to access and
manipulate XML”. Is this statement right or wrong?
iii. Explain her the purpose of comments in XML document. iv. Tell her the syntax to put comments in XML documents.
v. Explain her the meaning of well-formed XML documents.    5

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CBSE (Class X) Previous Year Papers Printed Books

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2018-19 : Arabic

Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:36 AM PST

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2018-19 :Bharatanatyam

Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:36 AM PST

Class XII

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2018-19 : Bharatanatyam

Class XII
Bharatanatyam (CODE-057)
Sample Question Paper 2018-19
Total Marks – 30

1. Write a brief introduction to Mohiniattam with particular reference to the period of| revival under Maharaja Swati Thirunal and Vallathol Narayana Menon. Mention two items that are musically similar  between Bharatanatyam and Mohiniattam.


1. Compare the margan of Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam.

2. Give a brief sketch of the contribution of the two following exponents to the growth and popularization  of Bharatanatyam.

a. Balasaraswati        
b. Rukmini Devi Aruadale


2. Describe the contribution of the Jaajore Quailette to the presentation of Bharatnatyam. Mention the flow of the margan as set by them.

3. What are the Variations of the position of the feet (Mandala bheda) as described in the chapters of the Abhinaya  Darpan? Mention the basic sloka and expand on the sthanka bheda.


3.What are Nritta Mudras as described by the Abhinaya Darpana? Explain six of them help of the description given in the text.

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CBSE (Class XII) Previous Year Papers Printed Books

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Courtesy: CBSE

(Scholarship) CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme-2020

Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:24 PM PST

(Scholarship) CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme-2020

The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes: -

1. CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child for + 2 studies – 2020.
2. Renewal of Online applications of CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child X Pass awarded in 2019. The details and eligibility conditions alongwith the application form are available on Board’s website i.e. www.cbse.nic.in at Scholarship Link.
The last date for submission of online applications is 10 th December, 2020 and hard copy of application form (renewal only) has to be submitted on or before 28th December, 2020. Hard copies received after the last date shall not be entertained.

Click Here for Official Notification

Click Here to Apply Online

Courtesy: CBSE