Friday, September 18, 2020

CBSE PORTAL : “CBSE Class-10 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Persian)” plus 5 more

CBSE PORTAL : “CBSE Class-10 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Persian)” plus 5 more

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Persian)

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:11 AM PDT

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Persian)

  • Subject : Persian
  • Time allowed : 3 hours
  • Maximum Marks : 80


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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Painting)

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:40 AM PDT

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Painting)

  • Subject : Painting
  • Time allowed : 3 hours
  • Maximum Marks : 80


Instruction : Write answers for all the six parts of the questions.

1. (i) Which one is the ‘Primary or Basic colour’ among the following ?
(A) Yellow
(B) Green
(C) Orange
(D) Violet

(ii) Which one is a principle of painting-composition among the following ?
(A) Space
(B) Line
(C) Balance
(D) Colour

(iii) Which colour-medium is the ‘Transparent medium’ among the following ?
(A) Oil-colour
(B) Acrylic-colour
(C) Pastel-colour
(D) Water-colour

(iv) Which one of the following pencils provides an effect of more blackness ?
(A) H pencil
(B) HB pencil
(C) 4B pencil
(D) 6B pencil

(v) In which State are the world-famous Ajanta cave-temples located ?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Karnataka
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Telangana

(vi) Where is Mohenjodaro, related to the Indus Valley civilization,situated ?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(C) Afghanistan
(D) Iran


Instruction : Give short answers for any three parts of the following question (in about 15 words each) :

2. (a) What is the difference between Poster-colours and Oil-pastels ?

(b) In your opinion, which number of any two brushes are usually needed for colouring in the paintings at Secondary classes-level and why ?

(c) What is the difference between shade and shadow ?

(d) How many colours are there in a ‘Rainbow’ and which one exists above all these colours ?


Instruction : Answer both parts of the following question (in about 30 words each) :

3. (a) Why do you like or dislike to use water-colours for painting ?

(b) Which type of drawing-paper would you like to use for your
painting and why ?


Instruction : Answer the following question (in about 100 words) :

4. Evaluate any one of the following art-works on the basis of the  fundamentals of Visual Arts (elements and principles) :
(a) Any wall painting based on Folk Art (Warli or Mandana) done by students in the school premises.
(b) Any sculpture observed by the students during an educational tour.


Instruction : Answer the following question (in about 100 words) :

5. Appreciate any one Indian painting/sculpture/architecture (building) studied under the ‘Story of Indian Art’, to which you are attracted the most and explain why.


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : German

Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : German

Sample Question paper
Class-X (2019-20)

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Section A

I. Lies den Text A oder Text B und beantworte die folgenden Fragen. 

Text A

Einladung zum „Weißen Picknick“
Auch dieses Jahr möchte die Stadt Neuburg ihre Bewohner mit dieser Veranstaltung zusammenbringen. Das „Weiße Picknick“ findet am Samstag, 1. August, ab 17 Uhr auf dem Stadtplatz statt. Und alle sind eingeladen: Familien, Nachbarn, Freunde, Kollegen… Ihnen ist das „Weiße Picknick“ noch bekannt? So funktioniert das „Weiße Picknick“: 

Kleidung: Bitte tragen Sie nur weiße Kleidung.

Mitbringen: Essen und Getränke, Tisch und Stühle, weißes Geschirr; gern auch Blumen und andere Dekoration für eine feierliche Stimmung - alles in Weiß!

Unterhaltung: Wir wollen zusammen singen und tanzen! Bringen Sie gern Ihre Gitarre mit.

Ü brigens: von 20 bis 22 Uhr spielt die Band „Turbo“.

Regeln: Eine Reservierung von Plätzen ist nicht möglich. Ihre Stühle und Tische dürfen Sie erst ab Veranstaltungsbeginn aufstellen. Die Teilnahme an diesem Picknick ist kostenlos. Bei  schlechtem Wetter muss die Veranstaltung leider ausfallen. Die Stadt Neuburg freut sich auf viele Gäste.

A. Lies den ganzen Text. Was ist richtig? Was ist falsch? 
1. Man darf nur Kleidung in Weiß anziehen.
2. Die Stadt kümmert sich um Essen, Tische und Dekoration.
3. Man darf keine Musik spielen.
4. Man soll bald einen Platz reservieren.
5. Für das Fest muss man nichts bezahlen.
6. Wenn das Wetter schlecht ist, kommen viele Gäste.

B. Beantworte  die Fragen.
1. Wie heißt die Veranstaltung und warum? 
2. Wann und wo findet die Veranstaltung statt? 
3. Was wird passieren, wenn das Wetter schlecht ist?


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : French 

Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:06 PM PDT


(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2019-20 : French 

Sample Question paper

Class-X (2019-20)

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Section A


Les Français apprécient souvent d’écouter un peu de musique, de regarder un petit film comme leurs loisirs préférés. Depuis l’arrivée des nouvelles technologies, on constate que l’ordinateur occupe une place importante dans les loisirs des Français. Ils l’utilisent principalement pour rechercher ou communiquer sur Internet, faire des montages de leurs photos ou de leurs vidéos ou bien pour écouter de la musique ou regarder des vidéos. Beaucoup de Français aiment jouer aux jeux vidéo. Souvent les jeux vidéo sont utilisés sur un ordinateur ou une console, mais de plus en plus de personnes jouent sur leur téléphone portable.  Surfer sur Internet reste bien souvent l’activité numéro une. D’autres loisirs chez les Français sont notamment le sport, le bricolage, laver sa voiture ou s’occuper de son jardin. Les loisirs des Français sont également tournés vers la culture avec des visites de musées, des sorties au théâtre ou dans divers concerts. 
1.a Selon l’image, les loisirs préférés des Français sont :
i l’ordinateur et la télévision.
ii l’ordinateur et la musique.
iii le sport et les sorties.

1.b Selon l’image les Français pratiquent les loisirs :
i tout seul.
ii en famille.
iii avec les camarades de classe. 
2. Quelles sont deux sorties culturelles mentionnées dans le texte ?
3. Citez deux adverbes mentionnés dans le texte.
4. Dites si les situations sont vraies ou fausses. Justifiez votre réponse. 


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Electrical Appliances

Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:04 PM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Electrical Appliances

Class: XII
Electrical Appliances-(788)
Sample Question Paper 2019-20


Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions:
1. Which among these is the application of universal motors?

(a) Vacuumcleaners
(b) Fans
(c) Hairdryers
(d) Washingmachines
2. What is the typical value of the capacitor used in ‘capacitor start capacitor run’ single phase induction motor?
(a) 5 μ F
(b) 40 μ F
(c) 300 μ F
(d) 1000 μ F
3. Which timer is used in fully automatic washing machines?
(a) Electricaltimer
(b) Electronictimer
(c) Mechanicaltimer
(d) Springtimer
4. What is the first equipment placed in the Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)?
(a) Inverter
(b) Battery
(c) Rectifier
(d) Any ofthese
5. The heating element in an electric iron   is usually made of
(a) brass.
(b) iron.
(c) nichrome.
(d) platinum.
6. Which type of magnet is used in an  electric bell?
(a) Temporarymagnet
(b) Permanentmagnet.
(c) Electromagnet.
(d) Carbonmagnet
7. Which of the following gas is mainly used inside an electric bulb?
(a) Carbon dioxidegas.
(b) Hydrogengas.
(c) Inert gas.
(d) Heliumgas.
8. Type of single phase motor having highest power factor at full load is

(a) Shaded poletype
(b) Capacitorrun
(c) Capacitorstart
(d) Singlephase
9. Which of the following motors is used in​​​​​​​ hair dryer?
(a) Synchronousmotor
(b) Shaded pole inductionmotor
(c) Split phase
(d) Cage inductionmotor
10. What type of dielectric material is used in capacitorsused for fans and for power factor correction?
(a) Oil impregnated paper
(b) Vacuum
(c) Glass
(d) Mica
11. If field current is decreased in shunt dc motor, the speed of the motor
(a) Decrease
(b) Increase
(c) Remains same
(d) None of theabove
12. What creates washing action in​​​​​​​ washing machine?
(a) energy
(b) watersupply
(c) turbulence
(d) Electricity

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Electrical Machines

Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:02 PM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Electrical Machines

Class: XII
Electrical Machines-(787)
Sample Question Paper 2019-20


Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions:
1. Which motor cannot be started on no load?

(a) Series Motor
(b) Shunt motor
(c) Cumulative compound motor
(d) Both b and c.
2. Which of the following motor has negative speed regulation?

(a) Seriesmotor
(b) Stunt motor
(c) Cumulative compoundmotor
(d) Differential compoundmotor
3. Core of transformer is laminated to
(a) Reduce hysteresislosses
(b) Eddy currentlosses
(c) Copperlosses
(d) All of theabove
4. A transformertransforms
(a) Power factor
(b) Voltage
(c) Power
(d) Energy

5. Natural oil cooling is used in transformer upto a rating of
(a) 3000 kVA
(b) 1000 kVA
(c) 500 kVA
(d) 250 kVA
6. Soldering iron is made of wedge shape in order to......

(a) Apply high pressure atedge
(b) Retainheat
(c) Retainsolder
(d) Forge welding
7. The purpose of using flux in soldering is to.......

(a) Increase fluidity of soldermetal
(b) Feel up gaps left in a badjoint
(c) Carbonsteel
(d) Prevent oxidesforming
8. The starting torque of a capacitor start motor is

(a) zero
(b) low
(c) same as ratedtorque
(d) more than ratedtorque.
9. A universal motor is one

(a) which can run on any value of supplyvoltage
(b) which has infinitely varyingspeed
(c) which can operate on ac as well as dc voltage
(d) which can work as single phase or three phasemotor.
10. The motor used in household refrigerators is

(a) dc seriesmotor
(b) dc shuntmotor
(c) universalmotor
(d) single phase inductionmotor.
11. The direction of rotation of universal motor can be reversed by

(a) reversing the supplyterminals
(b) switching over from ac todc
(c) interchanging the brushleads
(d) any of theabove.
12. In an induction motor, rotor speed is always

(a) Less than the statorspeed
(b) More than the statorspeed
(c) Equal to the statorspeed
(d) None ofthese
Very Short Questions: (2 marks each).

Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions:
13. How is speed control of dc motor achieved?  
14. What are the functions of poles in dc motors?  
15. What are characteristics of capacitor start motor?  
16. What are different types of solder?  
17. Give winding details of fractional horse power motor?  
18. What are the causes of faults in ac motor?  
19. List applications of voltage and current transformer.  

Short Questions: (3 marks each).
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions:
20. What is single phase repulsion motor? Also write various applications of single phase motor?
21. Describe the construction of starters used to start a three-phase slip-ring induction motor.  
22. Explain the construction and working principle of compound motor with a neat schematic diagram.
23. Explain testing, fault finding and repairing of dc motor.  
24. Describe working principle of Shunt motor. Also give the differences between series and shunt motor.
25. Draw and explain step up and step down transformers.  
26. Give construction details and winding details of shaded pole motor.  


Long/Essay type questions (5 marks each).
Answer any 1 question out of the given 2questions:
27. What are various soldering techniques? Explain in details. 
28. Classify AC motors. Explain principle of operation, construction and characteristics of Universal Motor.

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