Friday, August 26, 2016

www.CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (News) Difficulty level reduced in Class 12th maths question papers by CBSE

www.CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (News) Difficulty level reduced in Class 12th maths question papers by CBSE

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(News) Difficulty level reduced in Class 12th maths question papers by CBSE

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 05:24 AM PDT

Difficulty level reduced in Class 12th maths question papers by CBSE

Following the outcry from parents and students over tough maths paper in the class 12 exams in March, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has reduced the difficulty level in the new maths question paper pattern for 2017 board ex-ams.

As per the new pattern, the maths question paper will have 80 per cent of questions with the difficulty level of 'easy' and 'average'. Only 20 per cent of the questions alone would be at 'difficult' level.

'CBSE has added two mark questions in the new format. Earlier, it had only 1, 4 and 6 mark questions. The new pattern is student friendly,' said L. Neelakanta Pillai, principal, Kola Perumal Chetty Vaishnav Senior Secondary School, Chennai.

Welcoming the change he said, 'CBSE has reduced the weightage for questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Previously the weightage given for HOTS was 25 per cent now it has been reduced to 10 per cent.'

Of 100 marks, 55 marks will be given to the questions which will test the remembering and understanding skills of the students. Application oriented questions will be asked for 25 marks and higher order thinking skills based questions and evaluation based questions will be asked for 10 marks each.

CBSE also said there will be no overall choice in the question paper.

Following the maths paper this year many representations from the students and parents were sent to CBSE saying that students were losing out to state board students in the comparative rankings.

This prompted CBSE to call subject experts from all the regions and asked for suggestions. "We suggested reduction in weightage for questions based on higher order thinking skills and also to increase the number of questions based on recalling and understanding," said Ajeeth Prasad Jain, senior principal, Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, Chennai. He represented the Chennai region in the subject experts meeting.


Courtesy: Deccan Chronicle

(Result) National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG) - 2016

Posted: 18 Aug 2016 02:44 AM PDT

(Result) National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG) - 2016

Exam Name: National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG)

Year: 2016

Click Here for Result

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Courtesy: NEET-UG

(Final Result) National Talent Search Scheme (NTSE) - 2016

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 03:07 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Information Technology) 2016

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 12:11 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Urdu) 2016

Posted: 26 Jul 2016 12:23 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Bengali) 2016

Posted: 25 Jul 2016 03:42 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Hindi) 2016

Posted: 23 Jul 2016 05:38 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Hindi) 2016

सामान्य निर्देश: मूल्यांकन करते समय वृफपया निम्नलिखित निर्देशों वेफ प्रति सावधनी बरतिए।

विशेष निर्देश:

माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय वेफ आदेशानुसार परीक्षार्थी तय शुल्क देकर उत्तर-पुस्तिका की पफोटोकाॅपी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। सभी परीक्षकों को एक बार पुनः याद दिलाया जाता है कि वे यह सुनिश्चित करें कि उन्हें प्रत्येक प्रश्न की अंक योजना वेफ अनुसार उत्तर का मूल्यांकन करना है।

1. बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों वेफ उत्तर में यदि विद्यार्थी पूरे विकल्प ;वाक्य/वाक्यांश/शब्दद्ध को न लिखकर वेफवल (क)/(ख) इत्यादि उपयुक्त विकल्प ही लिखें तो उसे भी स्वीकारें और तदनुसार अंकन करें।

2. अंक योजना का उद्देश्य मूल्यांकन को अध्किाध्कि वस्तुनिष्ठ बनाना है। अंक-योजना में दिए गए उत्तर-बिंदु अंतिम नहीं हैं। ये सुझावात्मक एवं सांवेफतिक हैं। यदि परीक्षार्थी ने इनसे भिन्न, किंतु उपयुक्त उत्तर दिए हैं तो उसे उपयुक्त अंक दिए जाएँ।

3. मूल्यांकन करने वाले परीक्षकों वेफ साथ जब तक प्रथम दिन वैयक्तिक अथवा सामूहिक रूप से अंक-योजना पर भली-भाँति आद्योपांत विचार-विनिमय नहीं हो जाता तब तक मूल्यांकन आरंभ न कराया जाए।

4. मूल्यांकन-कार्य अपनी निजी व्याख्या वेफ अनुसार नहीं, बल्कि अंक-योजना में निर्दिष्ट निर्देशानुसार ही किया जाए।

5. प्रश्न वेफ उपभागों वेफ उत्तरों पर र्दाइं ओर अंक दिए जाएँ, बाद में उपभागों वेफ इन अकों का योग र्बाइं ओर वेफ हाशिये में लिखकर उसे गोलावृफत कर दिया जाए।

6. यदि प्रश्न का कोई उपभाग नहीं है तो उस पर बाईं ओर ही अंक दिए जाएँ।

7. यदि परीक्षार्थी ने किसी प्रश्न का उत्तर दो स्थानों पर भी लिख दिया है तो जहाँ प्रश्न को पहले हल किया गया है उस पर अंक दें और बाद में किए हुए को काट दें।

8. संक्षिप्त किंतु उपयुक्त विवेचन वेफ साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया बिंदुवार उत्तर विस्तृत विवेचन की अपेक्षा अच्छा माना जाएगा। ऐसे उत्तरों को उचित महत्त्व देने की अपेक्षा है।

9. बार-बार की गई एक ही प्रकार की अशु( वर्तनी पर अंक न काटें।

10. शब्द-सीमा से अध्कि शब्द होने पर भी अंक न काटे जाएँ।

11. मूल्यांकन में संपूर्ण अंक पैमाने - 0 से 90 का प्रयोग अभीष्ट है अर्थात् परीक्षार्थी ने यदि सभी अपेक्षित उत्तर-बिंदुओं का उल्लेख किया है तो उसे पूरे 90 अंक दिए जाने चाहिए।

12. उत्तर पुस्तिकाओं का मूल्यांकन करते समय यदि कोई उत्तर पूर्णतः गलत मिलता है तो उस उत्तर पर गलत (x) चिह्नित कर शून्य अंक दिए जाएँ।

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (French) 2016

Posted: 22 Jul 2016 01:24 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (French) 2016

General Instructions:

(i) The Marking scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers. These are only Guidelines and do not constitute the complete answer. The students can have their own expression and if the expression is correct, the marks may be awarded accordingly.

(ii) As per orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court,the candidates would now be permitted to obtain a photocopy of the Answer Book on request on payment of the prescribed fee. All Examiners/ Head Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation is carried out strictly as per value points for each answer as given in the Marking Scheme.

(iii) The Marking Scheme has been prepared keeping the above in mind .

(iv) In the marking scheme, a slash ( / ) indicates alternative answers: any one such answer should be accepted.

(v) Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; the mark is awarded even if the information in brackets is included or not.

(vi) The instructions given in a box are applicable to a below average paper.

(vii) If a student writes an answer which is not given in the marking scheme but which is equally acceptable, full marks should be awarded. If an option does not figure in the MCQ, but is grammatically correct, it may be marked as per examiner's discretion.

(viii) Students should not be penalized if they do not follow the order of the section / question while answering. For 'fill in the blanks', full sentences are not a requirement.

(ix) All the Head Examiners/Examiners are instructed that while evaluating the answer scripts, if the answer is found to be totally incorrect, the 'x' should be marked on the incorrect answer and awarded '0' Marks.

(x) Some of the questions may relate to higher order thinking ability (HOTS). These questions are indicated separately. They are to be evaluated carefully and the student's understanding/analytical ability may be judged.

(xi) Every section carries general instructions at the beginning of the section. However for section C some exercises may have specific marking instructions.

(xii) A flawless answerscript may be awarded full marks.

Question Paper Code 20


(10 Marks)

General Instructions

- No marks to be deducted for omission of articles, incorrect articles, minor spelling errors, accents, punctuations.

1. Lisez bien le texte et répondez aux questions qui suivent : Le Gouffre de Padirac est une entréee monumentale de cavité naturelle, situé dans le Lot en France, d'une dimension d'environ 35 mètres de diamètre. Au fond de la cavité, à 103 mètres de profondeur, coule une rivière souterraine qui parcourt une partie d'un grand réseau de plus de 40 kilomètres de développement.

Le spéléologue* Édouard-Alfred Martel a été le découvreur de la rivière souterraine du gouffre de Padirac. La longueur de la rivière souterraine est de 20 kilomètres et sa profondeur varie de 50 cm a 6 m sur la partie visitée, la température de l'eau est constante à 12°C, celle de la grotte est toujours de 13°C.

Padirac a le record de fréquentation pour le tourisme souterrain en France : plus de 400 000 visiteurs par an avec un record de 460 000 entrées en 1991. 85 personnes, en majorité des saisonniers, sont employées par la société d'exploitation spéléologique du gouffre de Padirac. Aujourd'hui, le Gouffre de Padirac se classe dans les cent plus longues cavités souterraines naturelles. spéléologue* : speleologist (a scientist who studies caves)

1.1 Choisissez la bonne réponse : 0.5x4=2

(a) Le Gouffre de Padirac est une ...
 cavité naturelle.

(b) Au fond de la cavité, il y a ...
une rivière souterraine.

(c) La longueur de la rivière souterraine est de ...
20 kilomètres.

(d) Padirac a plus de_________visiteurs par an.
400 000

1.2 Dites « Vrai » ou « Faux » : 0.5x4=2

(a) Le Gouffre de Padirac est situé dans le Lot en France.Vrai
(b) Le spéléologue Édouard-Alfred Martel a découvert la rivière souterraine.Vrai
(c) La température de l'eau est toujours plus que celle de la grotte. Faux
(d) Le Gouffre de Padirac se classe dans les cent plus longues cavités souterraines naturelles.


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Foundation of Information Technology) 2016

Posted: 22 Jul 2016 01:16 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Foundation of Information Technology) 2016

Important Note:

  •  All answers provided in the Marking scheme are SUGGESTIVE.

  • Examiners are requested to accept all possible alternative correct answer(s).

  • Wherever HTML Tags are asked – ignore the format/additional arguments if so given in the answer(s)

  • Wherever multiple answers are suggested, they are in order of appropriateness


Q1. Fill in the blanks 10

(a) In XML ____________ can't contain multiple values.

Ans. Attributes

(1 mark for writing correct word)

(b) XML is subset of_________


(1 mark for writing correct word)

(c) <TD> tag can only be present inside______________tag.

Ans. <TR>

(1 mark for writing correct tag)

(d) __________________ is used to change the colour of a visited link.

Ans. vlink

(1 mark for writing correct word)

(e) ________________are used to connect web pages. They are created with <A> tag.

Ans. hyperlinks OR href OR target

(1 mark for writing correct word)

(f) _____________________attribute is used to give border to an image.

Ans. border

(1 mark for writing correct attribute)

(g) _______________________attribute with <HR> tag is used to specify colour of the line.

Ans. color

(1 mark for writing correct attribute)

(h) ______________________is business in online environment.

Ans. E-commerce

(1 mark for writing correct word)

(i) ____________________ is a computer program that detects, prevents and takes action to remove malicious software programs.

Ans. Antivirus

(1 mark for writing correct word)

(j) __________________ is a software program that is designed to copy itself from one computer to another.

Ans. Virus or worm

(1 mark for writing correct word)

Q2. State True False:

(1 mark for writing each correct option)

(a) One of the attributes of XML tag is TYPE.

Ans. False or True

(b) Junk emails are also called spam.

Ans. True

(c) Cracker is a person who break security to see what we have stored on our computers with malintentions.

Ans True

(d) An XML document must have one root element.

Ans. True

(e) <I> tag displays text in bold.

Ans. False

(f) Cellpadding attribute is used with <BODY> tag.

Ans. False

(g) <Font> tag is one of the structural tag of HTML document.


Click Here To Download Full Marking Scheme Delhi

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme- English (Language and Literature) 2016

Posted: 21 Jul 2016 01:10 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme- English (Language and Literature) 2016

General Instructions

1. The Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the Marking Scheme are the suggested answers. The content is thus indicative. If the student has given any other answer, which is different from the one given in the Marking Scheme, but conveys the correct meaning, such answer should be given full weightage.

2. Evaluation is to be done as per the instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should not be done according to one's own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking Scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.

3. If the question has parts, please award marks in the right hand side for each part. Marks awarded to the different parts of the question should then be totalled up and written in the left hand margin and circled.

4. If the question does not have any parts, marks will be awarded in the left-hand margin.

5. If the candidate has attempted any extra question or part, marks obtained in the best question/part should be retained and the other answer should be scored out.

6. In the Marking Scheme, a slash (/) indicates alternative answers; any one such answer is counted as correct.

7. Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; the mark will be awarded whether the part in brackets is included or not.

8. Candidates should not be penalised if they do not follow the order of the section / question while answering.

9. In questions requiring word limit, no marks are to be deducted for exceeding the word limit.

10. Q.1 , Q.2 and Q.8 are meant to test the comprehension of the candidates and not the ability of expression. Full credit should be given for the correct value point, even if the answer is not given in a full sentence.

11. In questions consisting of 2 or more than 2 marks, break-up of marks should be shown separately (as suggested in the Marking Scheme) and then totalled.

12. A full scale of marks 0 to 100 has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if the answer deserves it.

Marking Scheme
Class X (Code No 184)
Summative Assessment – Ii
(Language & Literature)

Section - A Reading (20 Marks)

Q1 Objective: To identify the main points from the text. 8 Marks

Marking: 8 marks – 1 mark for each correct answer.

No penalty for spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. Full sentences are not required


(a) So that our health should not get affected /
So that we should not get addicted to coffee and spoil our health.

(b) - Caffeinated and
- Decaf versions

(c) Protect against heart disease and cancer.

(d) Their benefits depend on how they are absorbed and utilized in the body.

(e) Dates / Coffee / Tea / Milk / Chocolate / Cranberries. (Any two)

(f) Dates actually have more antioxidants than coffee. But coffee is consumed more than dates. So it outranks dates.

(g) - Keeps one alert and awake
- protects against liver and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

(h) Consume coffee in moderation, if taken in excess it can make you jittery and cause stomach pains.

Q.2 Marking: -

Qs (a) to (d) carry 2 marks each and from (e) to (h) each carr y I ma8r +k4 e=a 1ch2 Ma rks

(a) Telling her that her bangles were too heavy for her delicate little wrists

(b) Daughters-in-law would like to have ornaments.
They would not appreciate Gandhiji's attitude.

(c) When their sons grow up they would prefer wives who were not fond of jewellery

(d) - Motivated the rich to donate their jewellery for social usage or for the poor.
- Worked hard by inspiring people to raise community fund (Any Two)
- Donated his earnings for the service of South African Indians.

(e) (iv) unbeatable (Contextual meaning)

(f) (i) encouraged

(g) (iv) distressed

(h) (i) giving up

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (English Communicative) 2016

Posted: 21 Jul 2016 01:05 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (English Communicative) 2016

General Instructions:

Please note that the questions are numbered in continuation from 1 to 11.

(i) Marking of the entire script should be done by one examiner. All answers in all the scripts issued to the examiner should be marked section wise.
(ii) In the marking scheme, a slash (/) indicates alternative answers; any one such answer is counted as correct.
(iii) Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; the mark is awarded whether the part in brackets is included or not.
(iv) If a student writes an answer which is not given in the marking scheme but which is equally acceptable, full marks should be awarded.
(v) Students should not be penalized if they do not follow the order of the sections / questions while answering.
(vi) In questions requiring word limit please note that no marks are to be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
(vii) The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers. These are only guidelines and do not constitute the complete answers. The students can have their own expression and if the expression is correct, marks should be awarded accordingly.

(Strictly Confidential (For Internal and Restricted Use Only)

Question Paper Code 1/1/1
Section A (Reading) 20 Marks

Note : Section A tests the candidate's ability in reading only. Therefore, no deductions are to be made for errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. Marks should be awarded if the answer can be clearly understood.

Objective : This section evaluates the reading and comprehension skills of the students and their ability to infer and evaluate the given information.



Objective: To identify the main points of a text

Marking: 8 marks – 1 mark for each correct answer

1.1 Sentence Completion

Answers :

a) invention of computers

b) solve mathematical problems / put thousands of unrelated facts in order

c) provide information on the best way to prevent traffic jams / used in industries / used in universities / carry out complicated work in all branches of learning (any one).

d) the process by which machines can be used to work for us

e) need detailed instructions from human beings to operate/ cannot make decisions of their own ( any one)

f) will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty / to read foreign publications (any one)

g) computers would be developed which would be small enough to carry in the pocket . / Ordinary people would be able to use these pocket computers to obtain valuable information . / Computers could be plugged in to a national network and be used like radios (any one)

h) can be informed about weather conditions / car drivers can be given alternative roads when there are traffic jams / make tiny translating machines ( any one)


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Communicative Sanskrit) 2016

Posted: 20 Jul 2016 02:28 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Social Science Hindi) 2016

Posted: 20 Jul 2016 02:17 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Social Science) 2016

Posted: 19 Jul 2016 02:37 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Social Science) 2016

General Instructions

1. The Marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the Marking Scheme are suggested answers. The content is thus indicative. If a student has given any other answer which is different from the one given in the Marking Scheme but conveys the meaning, such answers should be given due weightage.

2. Evaluation is to be done as per instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should not be done according to one's own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking Scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.

3. If a question has parts, please award marks in the right hand side for each part. Marks awarded for different parts of the question should then be totalled up and written in the left margin and encircled.

4. If a question does not have any parts, marks be awarded in the left-hand margin.

5. If a child has attempted an extra choice question, answer of the question deserving more marks should be retained and the other answer scored out.

6. While evaluating the answer book it should be remembered that Social Science course at this stage is a part of general education and therefore does not require a specialized study of the four subjects – History, Geography, Civics and Economics which comprise it.

7. Except for questions which require recall of information, the responses of students should be evaluated in terms of the understanding that they reflect. Listing down of points without any explanation may not be proper indication of the examinee's understanding.

8. A mere listing of large number of points should not be seen as a better answer than fewer points well explained. The answer of latter type should be given credit.

9. Reference to the page number of the prescribed text books has been given for various questions. This is for the information of the examiners and a reading of these pages of the text books may be useful in assessing the answer scripts. Page number in the Marking Scheme refers to the N.C.E.R.T. books (latest edition).

10. A full scale of marks 0 to 90 has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if the answer deserves.

Specific Instructions

11. The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers. These are only guidelines and do not constitute the complete answer. The students have their own expression and if the expression is correct, the marks should be awarded accordingly.

12. As per orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, the candidates are being permitted to obtain photocopy of the evaluated Answer Book on request on payment of the prescribed fee. All Examiners/ Head Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation is carried out strictly as per value points per each answer as given in the Marking Scheme.

13. All the Head Examiners are instructed that while evaluating the answer scripts, if the answer is found to be totally incorrect the (x) should be marked on the incorrect answer and awarded '0' marks.

14. The Examiners should acquaint themselves with the guidelines given in the Guidelines for Spot Evaluation before starting the actual evaluation.

15. Every Examiner should stay up to sufficiently reasonable time normally 5-6 hours every day and evaluate 20-25 answer books and devote minimum 15-20 minutes to evaluate each answer book.

16. Every Examiner should acquaint himself/herself with the marking schemes of all the sets.


Click Here To Download Full Marking Scheme Delhi (Code-No.32/1/1)

Click Here To Download Full Marking Scheme Delhi (Code-No.32/1/2)

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Science) 2016

Posted: 16 Jul 2016 12:42 AM PDT

(Info) CBSE: Subject wise No. of Candidates Class X & XII - 2014

Posted: 16 Jul 2016 12:12 AM PDT

(Info) CBSE: Subject wise No. of Candidates Class X & XII - 2014


  • 10th
  • 12th

Year: 2014

Click Here for Class X Candidates List

Click Here for Class XII Candidates List

Courtesy: CBSE

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Mathematics) 2016

Posted: 15 Jul 2016 12:45 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme (Mathematics) 2016

General Instructions:

1. The Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the Marking Scheme are suggested answers. The content is thus indicative. If a student has given any other answer which is different from the one given in the Marking Scheme, but conveys the meaning, such answers should be given full weightage

2. Evaluation is to be done as per instructions provided in the marking scheme. It should not be done according to one's own interpretation or any other consideration — Marking Scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.

3. Alternative methods are accepted. Proportional marks are to be awarded.

4. In question (s) on differential equations, constant of integration has to be written.

5. If a candidate has attempted an extra question, marks obtained in the question attempted first should be retained and the other answer should be scored out.

6. A full scale of marks - 0 to 100 has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if the answer deserves it.

7. Separate Marking Scheme for all the three sets has been given.

8. As per orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court. The candidates would now be permitted to obtain photocopy of the Answer book on request on payment of the prescribed fee. All examiners/Head Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation is carried out strictly as per value points for each answer as given in the Marking Scheme.



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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Biology) 2014-15

Posted: 11 Jul 2016 02:48 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Admit Card for Private Candidate for Comptt/IOP Examination 2016

Posted: 09 Jul 2016 12:08 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Admit Card for Private Candidate for Comptt/IOP Examination 2016

Exam Name: CBSE Comptt/IOP Examination

Syllabus: 2016

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Courtesy: CBSE

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (English Core)

Posted: 08 Jul 2016 03:07 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (English Core) 

1. Reading Passage 1

12 marks

1. Small actions and decisions are important in one's life 1mark
2 Gave up bad habits 1 mark
3. Every day Gandhi made efforts to change himself in some small way
4. In small ways 1 mark
5. built character 1 mark
6. sequential series - Ex of child 1 mark
7. ay.. to make oneself grow in a small way - every 1mark
8..tried to change himself – reform –grow in small ways 1 mark
9. practice- discipline –self mastery – used freedom in right way – worked on small things – learned from mistakes. 1 mark
10. small step –one at a time – remain optimistic 1 mark
11 nurtured, impact 2 marks

2. Passage 2

10 marks

1. b) traditional music, art, literature
2. d) saree
3.soothing effect –refreshing – brightens intellect
4. Thousands flock to hear – sit all night in adverse conditions –
5. Very pure – enchanting – divine
6. soft beauty – soft pace 1 mark
7. South Indian – graceful, enchanting - voluptuous – pure - full of life –divine North Indian – monotonous, mechanical
8. Rukmani Devi Arundale's Kalakshetra
9. pleasant, urbane

3. Passage 3 Note Making and Summary

8 marks

Title - Work : Desirable or Boring
Abbreviations : work – wrk. hour – hr., advantage – adv., opportunities – opp.
Positively - +ly., exercise – ex.

1. Doing wrk leads to

a) Happiness
b) unhappiness

2. Adv. Of wrk

brings relief, delight, compulsive worthwhile input daily, occupied, fills time usefully, feel pleasant, prevents boredom, makes holidays more important & zestful, provides chances of success ,good opportunities, fulfillment of ambition, sound income, continuity of purpose

3. Disadv of wrk Unspeakable boredom, waste of tme, something out of compulsion
4. Wrk – desirable – for complete happiness Summary Coherence, spellings, grammar, sequence, correct understanding of the content, punctuation
4.Poster Layout- Eye catching and visually attractive 1 mark

Content – Highlights of the main topic- Need of saving electricity 2 marks

Expression – Grammatical accuracy, spellings 1 mark



Content- what, where, when 2 marks
Expression – Coherence, relevance, spellings, grammatical accuracy 1 mark

5. Letter

Format Writer's add, date, receivers add, subject, salutation, complimentary close.

Content – Uncovered manholes, frequent accidents

- Can be lethal for all persons, especially small children.
- Causes bad smell, pollution, breeding area for mosquitoes
- Lack of street light adds to the woes and difficulties.
- Authorities should take action. 3 marks

Expression – Coherence and relevance, grammar and spellings


Format Writer's add, date, receivers add, subject, salutation, complimentary close.

Content – Introduction reference to the advertisement
Complete Bio data 3 marks
Expression – Coherence and relevance, grammar and spellings



Report animal abuse if you see it
Understand the link between animal cruelty and abuse
Teach children to respect animals
Volunteer to help animals
Support law that promotes kindness to animals
Expression – Coherence, relevance, 2.5 marks
Spellings, grammatical accuracy 2.5 marks




One can find coaching centers in every nook and corner - Teachers and parents have equally promoted their growth - coaching institutes boast of guaranteed success rate - publish inflated numbers every year in leading newspapers and magazines - Education is a natural process of learning that should not be forced upon the students.- institutes provide professional teachers - necessary material required for preparation - provide a competitive environment - exams are conducted by them to help the students evaluate themselves on a regular - charge high amount of fees and sometimes provide sub-standard teachers to the students -to choose the right institute is of prime importance - decision should note b hasty .

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Economics)

Posted: 08 Jul 2016 03:00 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Economics) 

Section A: Microeconomics

1. c)

2. - Give subsidies to reduce price. - Undertake health campaigns to promote the positive effects of milk consumption.
(Any 1)

3. c)

4. If the river Kosi causes widespread floods in Bihar, it will lead to destruction of resources in Bihar. This will shift the PPC leftward.

5. The central problems of an economy are:

(i) What to produce and in what quantity?
(ii) How to produce?
(iii) For whom to produce?

6. (a) False: Average product rises as long as marginal product is greater than average product. Here marginal product could be rising or falling. (1½)
(b) False: Total cost rises at a diminishing rate when marginal cost falls and total cost rises at an increasing rate when marginal cost increases. (1½)

7. 'Price ceiling' is the maximum price that sellers can legally charge for a product or a service.  Since this price is below equilibrium price, there is excess demand in the market. With shortages, sellers tend to hoard the product. It could also lead to black marketing.


'Price floor' is the minimum price fixed by the government at which sellers can legally sell their product. Since this price is above equilibrium price, there is excess supply in the market. Since there is surplus, sellers can attempt to sell their product at a price below the floor price.

8. Freedom of entry and exit of firms under perfect competition means that there are no costs or barriers a firm faces to enter or exit the market. The implication of this is that in the long run each firm earns only normal profit. Suppose in the short run, existing firms are earning super normal profits, new firms enter the industry as they are attracted by profits. This raises the market supply and reduces the market price. As firms accept the lower market price, profits reduces. This process continues till profits reduce to normal levels in the long run. The opposite occurs if firms are earning losses as firms leave the industry. This reduces
market supply and raises market price till losses get wiped out and firms earn only normal profit in the long run.

9. Yes, the same good can be inferior for one person and normal for another. Whether a good is normal or inferior is determined by the income level of the consumer. A good which is a normal good for a consumer with a lower income, may become an inferior good for a consumer with higher income.

For example, coarse cloth may be a normal good for a low income consumer, but for a high income consumer it may be an inferior good as she can afford a better quality cloth.

Thus, when a consumer moves to a higher income level, she may consider coarse cloth as being below their income status, and has the ability to buy more expensive fine cloth, thus considering coarse cloth as being inferior.

10. An indifference curve is convex to the origin due to diminishing marginal rate of substitution (MRS). Diminishing MRS means that the number of units of 'Good Y' that a consumer wants to substitute for one extra unit of 'Good X' goes on decreasing as the consumption of Good X increases. As consumption of Good X increases, the willingness to pay for it diminishes (due to the law of diminishing marginal utility). This payment is in terms of the units of Good Y sacrificed. Thus, MRS diminishes along an indifference curve, which makes it convex to the origin.


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (English) 2014-15

Posted: 08 Jul 2016 02:55 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (English) 2014-15

Max: 100

Time 3 hrs.

The Question paper is divided into three sections:

Section A:     Reading                       20 Marks
Section B:     Writing & Grammar     40 Marks
Section C:     Literature                     40 Marks

General Instructions

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. You may attempt any section at a time.
3. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Section A


Q1 1.1



1.Mankind's fascination with gold

1.1 as old as cvz
1.2 the ancient Egyptians honoured gold
1.2.1reglysig to them
1.2.2 King Tutankhamen was buried a solid – gold coffin
1.3 wandering Israelites worshipped a golden cay
1.4 King Midas wanted everything that he touched become gold.

2.Qualities of gold

2.1 virtually indestructible
2.1.1 does not rust or corrode
2.2.2 can be beaten into a sheet nearly 100 sq. feet
2.2.3can be stretched into a wire 50 miles long.
2.2 conducts electricity better than any other substance
2.3imp. In the modern electronics industry

3.Longing for gold can be destructive

3.1 brought out the worst in human char.
3.2in search of gold the Spanish conquerors
3.2.1 robbed palaces, temples and graves
3.2.2 killed thousands of Indians
3.3 South Africa gold mines dependent on black labourers
3.3.1 paid about 40 pnds a mth
3.3.2a room and board
3.3.3 400 miners killed in mine accidents
3.4gold's value in its scarcity
3.4.1about 80,000 mined in the history of the world.

4. History of Gold

4.1 Great Britain – first century to adopt the gold standard
4.2 fixed price for gold established
4.3 big discoveries made in the last half of the 19thCent.
4.4South Africa launched into the gold age in 1886.

5.Prisoners as Miner Workers

5.1big gold – mining areas in the Soviet Union
5.1.1 infamous for its prison camp
5.1.2 the camp gone
5.1.3 ex-prisoners worked in the mines

6.Gold jewellery – the main attraction

6.1 75% of metal for jewellery
6.2 Italy – the biggest user
6.3 working and peasant classes hv no faith in paper money

Table of Abbreviations

1. cvz – civilization
2. sig – significant
3. sq. – square
4. imp. – important
5. char – character
6. pnds – pounds
7. mth – month
8. cent - century

 1.2 Summary

Mankind's fascination with gold is as old as civilization. The ancient Egyptians honoured gold. Gold is not only beautiful, but indestructible. It is easy to work with an ounce of gold can be stretched into 50 miles long wire. It is important in the modern electronics industry. But man's longing for gold can be destructive as it has brought out the worst in human character Great Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard. 75 per cent of gold goes into jewellery as middle class people have no faith in paper money George Bernard show advised to note for gold.


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (English Elective) 2014-15

Posted: 08 Jul 2016 02:49 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (English Elective) 2014-15

General Instructions:

1. The answers given below are suggestive. Give credit to the students if they have made a relevant point which may not have been included in the answers listed below.
2. No marks may be deducted for exceeding word limit.
3. Suggested break up of marks has been indicated against each question. Award marks accordingly .
4. In the Writing Section the 10 marks may be divided as follows: Content: 5 marks Organisation : 2 ½ marks ( This includes fluency, relevant style ,coherence and logical flow of ideas) Expression: 2 ½ marks ( this includes grammatical, accuracy, punctuation, spellings, range of vocabulary, originality of ideas and expression)


Q. 1 a


  • Ability to test local and global comprehension of an unseen passage

  • Ability to interpret and read between the lines and respond appropriately

  • Award 2 marks for each answer one for each subpart . Accept any other relevant response.

1) i. Climate change may effect skiing activities
ii. Chipotle Mexican grill reported that they may have to take off guacamole from their menu

2) i. By saying that 'The sky is not falling." And that guacamole was available in all their restaurants,
ii. that as a public company they needed to disclose potential issues which
could have an impact on their business

3) i. General public has limited awareness of the potential dangers of global warming,
ii. whereas almost all scientists agree that human activity is responsible for global warming and is a potential danger.

4. i. Whereas scientists reached a consensus on dangers of global warming,
ii. journalists mislead public by reporting interviews with skeptics and keeping the issue open for discussions.

5. i. Journalists tend to give two sides to a story
ii. Porter Fox states that the potential dangers due to global warming are not a debatable issue. It is a reality and must be accepted at its face value.

6. i. Seminal events are covered by media which raises concerns amongst general public for a short period only and is soon forgotten
ii. If t story lines are embedded in Bollywood films then one can expect greater impact.



  • To test student's ability to interpret and understand overall message of a poem

  • To test student's ability to understand the structure and form of poetry and infer implicity stated meaning.

  • Award one mark for each correct response. Accept any relevant response if not stated in the marking scheme.

1. a confessional poem expressing regret of a soldier who had returned victorious from war and quite forgot about his colleague who was not so lucky and was in enemy captivity facing torture. 2marks

2. put ones life in danger 1 mark

3. i. captive soldier / soldiers tortured brutally .
ii. lines are : while you were braving torture and crime could hear your screams and crying 2 marks

4. it reinforces the guilt and feeling of shame 1 mark

5. i. fight an enemy.
ii. victorious.
iii. went in vain
iv. let him down



  • To test the ability of a student to write a sustained piece of writing – an essay, article or speech

  • To test student's ability to organize relevant matter in a logical and smooth flow of ideas

  • To test student's ability to express himself in a variety of structures, range of vocabulary, literary expresssions using appropriate style and format.


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Legal Studies)

Posted: 08 Jul 2016 02:42 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Legal Studies)

1. The landmark 1973 Supreme Court case of KeshavandaBharathi v. State of Kerala discussed the question about……….

a) collegium model of appointment of judges in India
b) scope of separation of powers in India
c) the basic structure or feature of the constitution
d) Power of judicial review

Ans. a)

2. What does Latin phrase audialterampartem, means?

a) 'listen to the other side'
b) 'one cannot be forced to be a witness against himself'
c) 'justice delayed is justice denied'
d) 'my rights imply your duty'

Ans. a)

3. A sells his garden as well as his house through one instrument to B. Whereas; B wants to retain only the house and wants to cancel the transfer regarding the garden. Can B have the right to partial selection?

a) Yes, B has the right to selection.
b) Yes, B can have partial selection only if ratified by A.
c) No, B has to accept or reject the transfer in totality.
d) No, because House and garden are inseparable.

Ans. c)

4. "You must not use a steam hammer to crack a nut if a nut cracker would do." This statement refers to which doctrine of Administrative Law.

a) Doctrine of Legitimate expectation
b) Doctrine of proportionality
c) Doctrine of Governmental liability
d) Doctrine of Separation of powers.

Ans. b)

5. Rahul is facilitating an alternative dispute resolution in which parties appoint a neutral third party who facilitates the parties in achieving an acceptable, voluntary agreement, which is more formal than negotiation. What is Rahul facilitating?

a) Arbitration
b) Mediation
c) Conciliation
d) Administrative Tribunal

Ans. b)

6. Which Indian Statue provides for statutory free legal aid under criminal law

a) Code of Criminal Procedure
b) Advocates Act
c) Indian Penal Code
d) Indian Evidence Act.

Ans. a)

7. With regards to International Human Rights "ICCPR" stands for:

a) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
b) International Covenant on Criminal and Penal Rights.
c) International Charter on Civil and Political Rights.
d) International Committee on Civic and Public Rights.

Ans. a)

8. The International Criminal Court was set up with a purpose of prosecuting criminals for 4 major crimes. Which amongst the following doesn't belong to that category?

a) Genocide
b) War Crimes
c) Crimes against Humanity
d) Intellectual Property Piracy.


9. A public authority was given the duty to construct a community centre for public in Uddeshyanagar and land was also allotted for this purpose. But instead of constructing community centre, the public authorities started
constructing shops on that allotted land. What remedy is available to the citizens of Uddeshyanagar under Indian Constitution?

Ans. Under article 32 of the Indian Constitution the Supreme Court has the power to enforce fundamental rights, and provides one the right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement. Here in the above mentioned case citizens of Uddeshyanagarhave the right to apply for the writ of mandamus, i.e., to order to a public authority to do its duty.

10. A boy is sinking in the swimming pool of a resort. A man who is beside the pool does not make any attempt to save this boy. Will the man be criminally liable? If yes why; if no why not?

Ans. No, he is not criminally liable.This is a moral omission of not saving someone's life; mere moral omissions of not doing something would not complete the requirement of actusreus.


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Sanskrit)

Posted: 08 Jul 2016 02:37 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Sanskrit Core)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 03:03 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Physics)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:59 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Physics) 

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 70


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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Geography) 2014-15

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:53 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Geography) 2014-15

1. State any two features of KPO industry.

1. The KPO industry involves highly skilled workers.
2. It is information driven, knowledge outsourcing.
3. KPO enables companies to create additional business opportunities. (Any other relevant point) ½+½

2. What are the implications of using ground water in drought prone area of Rajasthan and Maharashtra?

1. The over-use of ground water resources has led to decline in ground water table in these states.
2. The over withdrawals in some states like Rajasthan and Maharashtra has led to increase in fluoride concentration in ground-water. (Any other relevant point.) ½+½

3. What is the 'open sky policy' adopted by the Indian government?

1. To help the Indian exporters make their export more competitive, the government had introduced an Open Sky Policy for cargo.
2. Under this policy, foreign airlines or association of exporters can bring any freighters to the country. (Any One point)

4. On the basis of configuration and purposes, satellite system in India can be grouped into two. Name them.

1. Indian National Satellite System (INSAT)
2. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite System (IRS).

5. Explain the function of a Garrison town with the help of an Indian example.

Cantonment towns e.g. Ambala, Jalandhar, Mhow, Babina, Udhampur.

6. 'Urban waste disposal is a serious problem in India. 'Suggest any two measures that we as citizens can take to solve this problem of urban waste.

1. As concerned citizens we should ensure that there are proper waste disposal bins by the municipality.
2. We can also segregate the wet and the dry waste.
3. Strict laws can be made and fines can be issued for not disposing waste in the required manner.
(Any other relevant point.)½+½
7. Study the map shown and answer the question :

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Political Science)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:46 AM PDT

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Political Science)

TIME: 3 hrs

MM: 100

1. No. NAM is not neutrality because neutrality means staying out of wars whereas NAM countries were involved in wars but at the same time promoted world peace. Neutrality does not aim at ending wars.

2. i. Sovereignty
ii. Territorial independence

3. Partition of India into two nation states i.e, India and Pakistan.

4. 1960's

5. Yes, it was a woman's movement because it was spearheaded by women and it focused on issues like dowry, domestic violence etc.

6. SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (1985).It is a major regional initiative by the South Asian counties to evolve cooperation through multilateral means.

7. i. Jeans culture
ii. Pepsi, McDonald's.

8. i. International organizations are helpful in finding peaceful solutions of a dispute between countries
ii. They are helpful in tackling issues like disease, global warming etc. for which everyone needs to work together.

9. i. Military conflict with neighbouring countries .
ii. Internal military conflicts for e.g . Separatist movements

10. i. coming together of all the opposition parties at one platform to defeat Indira Gandhi.
ii. excesses committed by the government during emergency, the non-democratic character of its rule.

11. As a part of its 'Global War On Terror', US launched 'Operation Enduring Freedom' in 2001 against all those suspected to be behind 9/11 attack, mainly Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

12. i. Open door policy and economic reforms.
ii. Four modernizations (agriculture, industry, science and technology, military) in 1973 by Zhou Enlai.
iii. Elimination of trade barriers in SEZs.
iv. Ended its political and economic isolation.

13. Environment concern is a very serious issue because of the following facts:
i. cultivable area throughout the world is decreasing and losing in fertility.
ii. water bodies due to pollution
iii. rapid decline in the total amount of ozone in the earth's stratosphere.
iv. global coastal pollution has increased due to land based activities.

14. i. areas of Muslim majority were not clearly delineated. As a compromise, Pakistan was to have two zones: west and east separated by a long expanse of Indian territory.
ii. opposition to the two-nation theory within Muslim areas e.g. opposition by Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan.
iii. bifurcation of certain areas like Punjab and Bengal difficult, very traumatic.
iv. problem of minorities on both sides; minorities had to leave at short notice, scenes of violence.

15. The defeat of Indian National Congress in the Lok Sabha Elections of 1977.The elections turned into a referendum on the experience of the emergency. The impact was severely felt in north India. This election was out and out contest between the supporters and opponents of emergency. The Janta Party embraced a landslide victory and congress lost in almost every constituency in northern states.

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme (Sanskrit Elective)

Posted: 05 Jul 2016 02:38 AM PDT

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