Saturday, October 17, 2015

www.CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of History (Class 9 to 10 )

www.CBSEPORTAL.COM - : (Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of History (Class 9 to 10 )

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(Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of History (Class 9 to 10 )

Posted: 16 Oct 2015 04:38 AM PDT

(Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of History (Class 9 to 10 )

Overall Theme for Class IX & X: India and the Contemporary World


In the history component of the Social Science Syllabus of the earlier classes (VI-VIII) students were introduced to the history of India from ancient to modern times. In Classes IX and X the attempt will be to study some of the diverse forces and developments that have shaped the history of the contemporary world. Developments in India will be located within this larger history.

In both these classes the syllabus will consist of three separate units, each focusing on a different set of themes, all of them important to our understanding of the contemporary world. Each year one set of themes will deal with political events, processes and ideologies, one with livelihood patterns, and one with questions of culture, rights and identity.


  • In discussing the political events and processes, the effort will be to see how developments in the west as well as in the colonies are significant in the making of the modern world. The ideas of liberty, democracy and freedom come up not only in the west but also in the colonies. Anti democratic ideas — fascist, racist or communal — similarly develop in different forms in different countries.

  • In the unit on 'Livelihoods and Economies' the effort will be to understand how different social groups confront as well as shape the economic changes in the modern world. Each theme within the unit will be studied through a focus on one region, and in many cases through two appropriate case studies, one Indian and one from another country. The effort will be to give students some idea of the variety within seemingly similar processes and phenomenon. The general discussion of the issue will revolve around and will be drawn out from the case studies.

  • In focusing on issues of culture and identity, the attempt will be to make students aware of the fact that everything — clothing or food, sports or leisure, print or books — has a history. These histories reflect cultural and political changes and are often linked to issues of identity and power.

  • In discussing each theme the textual narrative will be supplemented by extensive use of pictures, photographs, cartoons, extracts from a variety of original sources — eye witness accounts, travel literature, newspapers journals, statements of leaders, official reports, terms of treaties, declarations by parties, and in some cases contemporary stories, autobiographies, diaries, popular literature, oral traditions. The effort will be again to make students read the sources, think of what they say, and why a thing is represented in a particular way. In many cases questions will be appended to pictures and extracts to allow a critical engagement with these.

  • Each theme will be located in time and space through maps and timelines. Even in using maps the effort will be not simply to pass on a set of information but to persuade students to make inter connections, to read maps critically.




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(Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of History (Class 11 to 12 )

Posted: 16 Oct 2015 04:20 AM PDT

(Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of History (Class 11 to 12 )


These classes will introduce students to the idea that historical knowledge develops through debates and that sources need to be carefully read and interpreted. As the learners have been introduced to chronologically ordered histories of India in Classes VI to VIII, these histories will not be repeated within the same format in Classes XI and XII. Instead, the focus would be on certain select themes, which will be examined in some depth.

Through a focus on a series of critical historical issues and debates (Class XI) or on a range of important historical sources (Class XII), the students would be introduced to a set of important historical events and processes. A discussion of these themes, it is hoped, would allow students not only to know about these events and processes, but also to discover the excitement of doing history.


  • The effort in these senior secondary classes would be to emphasise to students that history is a critical discipline, a process of enquiry, a way of knowing about the past, rather than just a collection of facts. The syllabus would help them understand the process through which historians write history, by choosing and assembling different types of evidence, and by reading their sources critically. They will appreciate how historians follow the trails that lead to the past, and how historical knowledge develops.

  • The syllabus would also enable students to relate/compare developments in different situations, analyse connection between similar processes located in different time periods, and discover the relationship between different methods of social enquiry within different social sciences.

  • The syllabus in Class XI is organised around some major themes in world history. The themes ave been selected so as to (i) focus on some important developments in different spheres — political, social, cultural and economic, (ii) study not only the grand narratives of development — urbanisation, industrialisation and modernisation — but also to know about the processes of displacements and marginalisation. Through the study of these themes students will acquire a sense of the wider historical processes as well as an idea of the specific debates around them.

  • The treatment of each theme in Class XI would include (a) a broad picture of the theme under discussion, (b) a more detailed focus on one region of study, (c) an introduction to a critical debate associated with the issue.

  • In Class XII the focus will shift to a detailed study of some themes in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Indian history. The objective would be to study a set of these themes in some detail and depth rather than survey the entire chronological span of Indian history. In this sense the course will build on the knowledge that the students have acquired in the earlier classes.

  • Each theme in Class XII will also introduce the student to one type of source for the study of history. Through such a study students would begin to see what different types of sources can reveal and what they cannot tell. They would come to know how historians analyse these sources, the problems and difficulties of interpreting each type of source, and the way a larger picture of an event, a historical process, or a historical figure, is built by looking at different types of sources.

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(Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of Psychology (Class 11 to 12 )

Posted: 16 Oct 2015 04:04 AM PDT

(Download) NCERT Revised syllabus Of Psychology (Class 11 to 12 )


Psychology is introduced as an elective subject at the higher secondary stage of school education. As a discipline, psychology specialises in the study of experiences, behaviours and mental processes of human beings within a socio-cultural and socio-historical context. This course purports to introduce the learners to the basic ideas, principles and methods in psychology so as to enable them to understand themselves and their social world better. The emphasis is put on creating interest and exposure needed by learners to develop their own knowledge base and understanding. The course deals with psychological knowledge and practices which are contextually rooted. It emphasises the complexity of behavioural processes and discourages simplistic cause-effect thinking. This is pursued by encouraging critical reasoning, allowing students to appreciate the role of cultural factors in behaviour, and illustrating how biology and experience shape behaviour. The course while developing an appreciation of subjectivity, also focuses on multiplicity of worldviews.

It is suggested that the teaching-learning processes should involve students in evolving their own understanding. Therefore, teaching of psychology should be based on the use of case studies, narratives, experiential exercises, analysis of common everyday experiences, etc.


  1.  To develop appreciation about human behaviour and human mind in the context of learners' immediate society and environment.

  2.  To develop in learners an appreciation of multidisciplinary nature of psychological knowledge and its applications in various aspects of life.

  3.  To enable learners to become perceptive, socially aware and self-reflective.

  4.  To facilitate students' quest for personal growth and effectiveness, and to enable them to become responsive and responsible citizens.


Semester I: Foundations of Psychology - I

(Total 90 Periods)

Unit I: What is Psychology?

(12 Periods)

The unit seeks to develop understanding and appreciation of psychology as a discipline, its evolution, its applications and its relationships with other sciences through appropriate and interesting examples and analysis of everyday experience .

What is psychology?; Popular notions about discipline of psychology; Understanding mind and behaviour; Evolution of psychology; Branches of psychology: Themes of research and applications; Psychology and other disciplines ; Psychologists at work ; Psychology in everyday life; Development of Psychology in India.

Unit II: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology

(18 Periods)

The objective of this unit is to discuss methods of enquiry for collecting psychological data.

Goals of psychological enquiry; Nature of psychological data; Some important methods:
Observational, Experimental, Correlational, Survey, Psychological testing, Case Study; Analysis of data; Limitations of psychological enquiry; Ethical issues.

Unit III: The Bases of Human Behaviour 

 (18 Periods)

The unit will focus on the role of biological and socio-cultural factors in the shaping of human behaviour.

Evolutionary perspective; Biological basis : Biological and cultural roots; Biology of behaviour:

Structure and functions of nervous system and endocrine system; Relationship of nervous system and endocrine system with behaviour and experience; Brain and behaviour; Heredity: Genes and behaviour; Cultural basis : Socio-cultural shaping of behaviour (e.g. family, community, faith, gender, caste, disability etc.); Socialisation , enculturation and acculturation.

Unit IV: Human Development

 (20 Periods)

This unit deals with variations in development and the developmental tasks during the life span.

Meaning of development; Factors influencing development; Context of development; Overview of developmental stages: Infancy, Childhood, Challenges of Adolescence, Adulthood and Old age.

Unit V: Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes

 (22 Periods)

This unit aims at understanding how various sensory stimuli are received, attended to and given meaning.

Knowing the world ; Nature and varieties of stimulus; Sense modalities; Adaptation; Attentional processes; Selective and sustained attention ; Perceptual processes; The Perceiver; Principles of perceptual organisation; After images; Perception of space, depth and distance; Perceptual constancies; Illusions; Socio-cultural influences on perception.

Semester II: Foundations of Psychology-II

 (Total 90 Periods)

Unit VI: Learning

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